Class of 2019 Senior Model~Eric Part 2

February 22, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the day we have all been waiting's FRIDAY!!!

One of the best parts about working with my Senior Models is getting to check in with them throughout their Senior Year.  There is so much that goes on in that one school year.  Visiting colleges, deciding on majors, choosing their college, first last days, endings of seasons, and new beginnings.  It can be so overwhelming all the choices.  But, the growth that they all do in that year is amazing, and I am lucky enough with not only my Senior Models but also with all of my Senior Portrait clients to see it.  It's pretty awesome.

I have been lucky enough to know Eric and his family for some time, and have even photographed another one of his brothers.  So it was awesome catching up with him on his fall shoot.  This year was tough for fall color.  All of the leaves seemed to die and fall right off the trees in one weekend.  Thankfully we were lucky enough to get a little color into his shoot.  Eric, as you finish out your Senior Year I wish you nothing but success and happiness.

Here are just a few of my favs from his shoot.......

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I am booking Spring and Summer Senior Portrait Sessions Now!  Book early to get your date!

Click here for more information.


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