Yonek Photography: Blog https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog en-us (C) Yonek Photography [email protected] (Yonek Photography) Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:30:00 GMT Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:30:00 GMT https://www.dyonekphoto.com/img/s/v-12/u606062529-o807941992-50.jpg Yonek Photography: Blog https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog 90 120 Class of 2020 Senior Model~Bonnie!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-bonnie Meet Class of 2020 Senior Model Bonnie!!

A few years ago Bonnie's sister was a Senior Model for me, so when the time came and Bonnie signed up with me, I was excited to be working with her and her family again.  It's always like catching up with old friends.

This year the weather has been a bit, for lack of a better word, chaotic.  I mean it's Cleveland and we are used to the fact that if we just wait 10 minutes it will change, or the fact that having 4 seasons in one week is possible.  But, I think it rained nearly every day in June, and it seems like it's been a bit windy.  Actually gusty.  Maybe not all the time, but it seems like a lot during my sessions.  Being an on location photographer you get used to trying to work with it.  Not an easy task at times.  So to say we had some gusty wind on Bonnie's session would be an understatement.

Now I like a little wind in the hair.  It looks nice, adds some flow to the image, not too many stray hairs to retouch, all over pretty good.  But gusty wind, and hair blown straight back from your face is just not good.  And sometimes, you get what I would like to call happy little accidents.  Not exactly what you intended, but it is awesome!

Like this image below.  We finally had found what seems liked a little respite from the wind, and whoosh!, giant gust out of nowhere!  But AWESOME!!!

daniels-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


Keep scrolling to see a few more of my fav images from Bonnie's shoot!!

daniels-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-16Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-34Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com



[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-bonnie Wed, 25 Sep 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2020 Senior Model~Nicole!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-nicole Meet Class of 2020 Senior Model Nicole!!

A few weeks before Nicole's first shoot I found this graffitti wall and I have been totally OB-SESSED ever since!  Soooo many colors!!  Love, love, love using it as a background!

I have known Nicole for the longest time, and can't even believe she's a Senior already!!

These are just a few of my favorite images from her shoot!!

bonazza-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bonazza-23Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bonazza-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bonazza-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bonazza-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bonazza-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Class of 2020!!

Book your fall Senior Portrait Session Now!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-nicole Tue, 24 Sep 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2020 Senior Model~Alexis!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-alexis Meet Class of 2020 Senior Model Alexis!!

When I met Alexis and we were talking about her first shoot, her mom happened to mention "Hey she plays the drums.  Do you think we can do something with that?"

Ummmmmmm.............let me think about it.   HECK YES!!

Not only is Alexis great to work with, but she is in 2 bands and has an awesome rocking drum set!!


Just a few of my favs from her shoot!  It was hard to choose!!


walker-32Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com walker-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com walker-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com walker-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com walker-27Yonek PHotographyYonek Photography walker-36Yonek PhotographyYonek Photography walker-40Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


Class of 2020!!


Book your Fall Senior Session NOW!!  Time is filling up fast!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/9/class-of-2020-senior-model-alexis Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Congrats to the Grads!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/6/congrats-to-the-grads Congratulations to the Class of 2019!!

Ohhhhh the places you will go!!

As you head off to your futures, I wish you all the blessings that life has to give!!

grads-1Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grads-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grads-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grads-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grads-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/6/congrats-to-the-grads Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:00:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Allison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/5/class-of-2019-senior-allison After all the hard work, the end is near!!  Graduation is just around the corner!!

Can you believe it??

Today we have Class of 2019 Senior Allison!!

As you take that big walk across the stage, and begin the new chapter in your life I wish you nothing but the best!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images!

thomas-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-10Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-39Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-34Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Senior Portrait session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/5/class-of-2019-senior-allison Wed, 22 May 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Senior~Emily B. https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-emily-b No one is you, and that is your Super Power.

Today's throw back post is about Emily, who is getting ready to finish her first year of College.  This portrait session in the Flats was on a beautiful Spring day, gives me hope that there will be more like this!  We had such a great time and were able to get some really amazing shots.  I hope that your first year has been as amazing as your are!

When I saw that quote, it made me think what great advise it is for High School Seniors.  No one is you.  That alone is a Super Power when you think of it.  There is no telling what you can do, and who you can become.  Someone may have similar backgrounds, same education, more education for that matter, better grades, worse grades, but they will never be you.  What you can and will bring to the table of life only you can.  And that it amazing.  So for all of you getting ready to graduate or who have already graduated, remember you do have a super power.

(stepping off soap box.....) 

That is my deep thought for the day!!

****2019 Seniors****

It's not too late to book your Senior Portraits!!  Spring is here, the sun has FINALLY come back to Ohio and it's time to get out there and make this happen!!

Click here to book your Senior Portrait Session Today!!


And now, back to Emily!!  Here are a few of my favs from her session.........


bouchahine-50Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bouchahine-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bouchahine-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bouchahine-54Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bouchahine-61Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bouchahine-71Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-emily-b Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Annie https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-annie It's the little things in life.

I'm sure you have heard this saying before, because it so true.  As a photographer, I find this especially true.  Finding a new location, the wind blowing just right, amazing lighting, all of these make my heart happy!  I love it when a plan comes together!

Meet Annie!

LOVED this shoot!  Everything came together, the lighting, the different backgrounds, and all of the color.

Scroll for a few of my favorite images from her session in the Flats.

kelley-27Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-72Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-65Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-54Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-83Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring or Summer Senior Portrait Session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-annie Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Angela https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-angela Some old fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Angela!!

Sunshine and fresh air were abundant the day of Angela's shoot!!  We were able to capture some amazing portraits in beautiful Brecksville.  LOVE, LOVE these images and her beautiful blue eyes and her smile.

Just a few of my favorite images!!



colella-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-27Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-34Yonek PhotographyYonek Photography colella-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-angela Tue, 19 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Senior~William https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-william Spring might actually be springing!!  Woop Woop!!  There is nothing more exciting than being able to have your windows open, driving with the windows down, and being able to go outside without feeling like you are going to freeze to death!

I am definitely a warm weather person.

It's also time to start scheduling your Spring and Summer Senior Portrait Sessions.  If you haven't scheduled your Class of 2019 Senior Portrait session yet don't wait.  Even though the leaves aren't out yet doesn't mean we can't find some amazing colorful backgrounds here in Cleveland.  We are very lucky to have some amazing buildings, and architecture that are just full of color, and make amazing backgrounds.  Click here to schedule your Senior Portrait Session today!!

Today we have a little throwback to Senior William's Senior Portrait Session that we did at the St. Ignatius Campus.

Here are just a few of my favs from his Portrait Session.

ciupa-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ciupa-38Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ciupa-10Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ciupa-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-william Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Delia https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-delia I have family and friends all over so I often find myself driving to see them.  So for my road trips there are a few things that are absolute necessities for me.  Coffee, or some sort of super caffeinated drink, and pull apart Twizzlers.  Like the huge family size bag.  Except, I'm not actually going to share it.  In the car, whether I have passengers or not, I sing.  And I. Am. A. Rockstar!! 

Now, my passengers, will sometimes try and politely ask me to not sing so loudly.  (actually trying to tell me I am not a singer...)  But I have found singing louder just drowns them up because let's be honest, no one needs that kind of negativity in the car.

Delia, she can actually sing.  Not the I don't care who is listening kind, but the actual really good kind of singing, where people actually ask her to sing for them.  We has such a great time on her shoot down in the Flats, and between Delia, her mom, and myself we just laughed and had fun.  Delia as you finish out your Senior Year and head off to continue your education in the Performing Arts, I wish you nothing but success and happiness!!


brennan-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-16Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-81Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-97Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com brennan-113Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Don't wait!!  Book your Spring or Summer Senior Portrait Session NOW!!

Click here for more information on Senior Portrait Sessions and Package Collections.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-delia Wed, 13 Mar 2019 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Samantha Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-model-samantha-part-2 It's Friday!!  Woop Woop!!

When you begin your high school career, I'm sure you heard how fast the next 4 years were going to go.  You also probably wondered, "What? How could that possibly be?"  But the truth is the time truly does fly by.  Before you know it all the activities and sports that you are currently involved in will be coming to an end.  Once chapter will end, and a new more exciting one will begin.  So in the middle of all of the crazy busy times, remember to take the time to enjoy the moment.

Let me share Part 2 of Class of 2019 Senior Model Samantha's session in Olmsted Falls.  I absolutely loved this shoot!  The colors, the outfits, and Samantha's amazing smile!

Samantha, as you finish out your Senior Year, take the time to enjoy the last moments, and I wish you nothing but success and happiness in your future!


Here are just a few of my favorite images from Samantha's second session....


strnad-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-95Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-122Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-89Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-127Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-128Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring and Summer Senior session early to get your date!

Click here to book now!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-model-samantha-part-2 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Senior~Emily https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-emily I think this post is perfect for this Thursday!  Spring flowers!!  Oh, how I can't wait to see spring flowers!!  Plus we have a puppy!!

Emily's dog has to be by far the absolute most chill dog I have ever worked with!!  He came in, laid down, and was ready for his close up, and then didn't want to get up.  He was so cute, so of course because clearly he was the star, we worked around him.  We were able to get some great shots of both him and Emily in beautiful Olmsted Falls.

Emily, I wish you nothing but success and happiness as you finish your first year at college.

Here is a look at a few of my favorite images from Emily's Senior session.....


richley-2-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com richley-1-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com richley-12-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com richley-18-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com richley-33-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com richley-45-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring or Summer Senior session today!!

Click here for more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections.


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/senior-emily Thu, 07 Mar 2019 19:30:00 GMT
A Surprise Proposal~Scott and Becca https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/a-surprise-proposal-scott-and-becca "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars."

The evening of the planned proposal it was raining.  Big black clouds, huge downpour, the whole deal.  But as soon as I arrived at the beautiful venue of Thorncreek Winery, the clouds parted, and it was a perfect night for a proposal.

A beautiful evening, a gorgeous location, the perfect ring, what more could you ask for?

Congratulations to you both Scott and Becca!!

eilmann-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-95Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-114Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-104Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-139Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com eilmann-181Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Thinking about getting engaged??  Let me document your proposal.  Click here for more info.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engagement engagements photography proposal proposals surprise wedding weddings yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/a-surprise-proposal-scott-and-becca Wed, 06 Mar 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Leah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-leah Happy Fat Tuesday!!

Celebrate the day with a packzi!!

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Leah!!

While it is cold and snowy today, on the day of Leah's session it was H-O-T!!!!  Although it was so hot with barely a breeze, Leah kept that beautiful smile the entire time.  I just LOVE her dimples and big brown eyes!!

Here are a few of my favorite images from her shoot.....


amato-52Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com amato-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com amato-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com amato-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com amato-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Don't forget to book your Spring or Summer Senior session early!!

Click here for more information on Senior sessions and Package Collections.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/3/class-of-2019-senior-leah Tue, 05 Mar 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Senior~Tej https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-tej If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

So true.  I am going to, is a much stronger phrase, than I hope I can.  When you ask a high school senior what their plans are for after high school, you never hear them say, "I hope I go to college and can get x career".  They will say they are going to whatever college and they are going to become x professional.  Powerful words, powerful thoughts.  There is no question for them at that moment.  There is no negative, no maybe.  That is what we should all aspire to do everyday with our thoughts.  We can, we will.  No excuses, no negativity.  So for all the high school seniors, and all of us out there, I hope we all do the same.  Keep these powerful thoughts in our minds.  We may have setbacks along the way, but never lose sight of your goals.

Here's a little throwback this Thursday to Tej's session down in the Flats.  I love this area.  So many little nooks, and crannies that make amazing backgrounds.  Tej as you are finishing your first year, I hope that you have an amazing time and always keep the positive thoughts with you.

Don't forget to book your Spring or Summer Senior session early!!

Click here to book NOW!


patel-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com patel-45Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com patel-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com patel-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com patel-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-tej Thu, 28 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Surprise Proposal~Mark and Kelsy https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/surprise-proposal-mark-and-kelsy I have to give it to Geico.  My Wednesday's may always now be associated with the camel walking around the office asking what day it is.  Super silly commercial, but Wednesday and the Hump Day Camel, is funny.

Happy Wednesday ya'll!!

We are almost to the weekend, and that much closer to spring!!  Woohoo!!

Kicking off this Wednesday with this Surprise Proposal shoot.  I've known Mark for a while, and could not be more happy for him, and to be able to document this moment for both of them.  Love this location in Lakewood, such an amazing view of the city!!

Congratulations to you both!!

Here are a few of my favs.......

hoy-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com hoy-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

LOVE this ring!!

hoy-41Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com hoy-61Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com hoy-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com hoy-82Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com hoy-105Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Thinking of proposing?  I can help with that......

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer engagement family ohio photographer photography proposal senior photography surprise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/surprise-proposal-mark-and-kelsy Wed, 27 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Alex https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-alex There is one thing that is bound to happen in your Senior Year of High School.

That's right.  It's Senioritis.  Has it hit you yet??  If it hasn't it will soon.

I, myself, personally I have Springitis.  Probably along with most of the state I'm sure!  I can't wait for warmer days, and lots of SUN!   You know, that bright orb in the sky we randomly see here in Ohio. 

These images from Class of 2019 Senior Alex's session definitely bring a little sunshine to this day!  We had a great time wandering around the downtown Cleveland with all of the color of the city as our background.

Check out a few of my favs below........

Don't forget to book your Spring or Summer Senior Portrait session early!!  Click here for more information.


nemecek-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nemecek-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nemecek-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nemecek-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nemecek-32Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nemecek-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Ready to book your Senior Portrait session?  Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-alex Tue, 26 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Eric Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-eric-part-2 Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the day we have all been waiting for.........it's FRIDAY!!!

One of the best parts about working with my Senior Models is getting to check in with them throughout their Senior Year.  There is so much that goes on in that one school year.  Visiting colleges, deciding on majors, choosing their college, first last days, endings of seasons, and new beginnings.  It can be so overwhelming all the choices.  But, the growth that they all do in that year is amazing, and I am lucky enough with not only my Senior Models but also with all of my Senior Portrait clients to see it.  It's pretty awesome.

I have been lucky enough to know Eric and his family for some time, and have even photographed another one of his brothers.  So it was awesome catching up with him on his fall shoot.  This year was tough for fall color.  All of the leaves seemed to die and fall right off the trees in one weekend.  Thankfully we were lucky enough to get a little color into his shoot.  Eric, as you finish out your Senior Year I wish you nothing but success and happiness.

Here are just a few of my favs from his shoot.......

minor-88Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-74Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-96Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-81Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-106Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-110Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I am booking Spring and Summer Senior Portrait Sessions Now!  Book early to get your date!

Click here for more information.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-eric-part-2 Fri, 22 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Senior~Myah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-myah A little throw back this Thursday to Class of 2018 Senior Myah's Senior session in the Flats.  LOVE her red hair!!  This was such a fun shoot, and I love this area of Tremont and the Flats, the views of the city are uh-mazing.

Myah I hope your first year in college has been nothing but successful, and I wish you nothing but happiness in the years to come!

Just a few of my favs from her Senior shoot.....


blum-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com blum-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com blum-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com blum-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com blum-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Booking Spring and Summer Senior Portrait Sessions Now!!

Click here to book your session!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer family family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-myah Thu, 21 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Carrie Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-carrie-part-2 For Class of 2019 Senior Model Carrie's second session we decided to go downtown to East 4th.  It's a bustling area with tons of little nooks and crannies that make the perfect backdrop.  But, one of the best parts of her session besides pom poms, is the fact that she finally got her braces off!!!  If you have ever worn braces then you know how exciting it is to finally get them off and flash that at least $5000 smile!!  And smile she did!!  Loved this shoot!!

Here are just a few of my favorites from Carrie's second shoot with that beautiful smile........


mahon-81Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-91Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-87Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-66Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-107Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I am booking Spring and Summer Senior sessions!!

Book your Senior Portrait session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-carrie-part-2 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Brooke Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke-part-2 No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to come.

Well thank you Captain Obvious.  I saw this on Pintrest and just had to laugh.  But the sun is shining today and it's got me thinking of warmer sun filled days ahead!!

So does Class of 2019 Senior Model Brooke's second session!!  Ballet slippers, pom poms, tiaras, and lots of sparkle.  All of my favorite things!!

Here are a few of my favorite images from her second shoot.......



stimetz-96Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-110Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-88Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-112Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Booking Spring and Summer Senior sessions now.

Book yours today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke-part-2 Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Lilli Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-lilli-part-2 Good Morning!!  Happy Monday you Gorgeous people!

Starting the week off with Class of 2019 Senior Model Lilli's second session!!

Fall Color, a sunshiney day, puppies, sports, and the blimp!!  What more could you ask for??

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Lilli's shoot...........



wolf-91Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-75Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-113Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-88Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-120Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-130Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-143Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Booking Spring and Summer Senior sessions now!!  Click here to book your session today!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-lilli-part-2 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
All the Love~Tony and Leah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/all-the-love-tony-and-leah Happy Valentine's Day!!

Could not think of a better way to celebrate the day here on the blog than with some love from a Surprise Proposal session!!

Generally speaking I am not sure who is more nervous at my Surprise Proposal shoots, myself or the one doing the asking!!  I love Surprise Proposal shoots!!  The reactions are always priceless, and being the one to capture that moment is truly an honor.  Tony and Leah were so great to work with and I can not wait to shoot their wedding!!

Congratulations to you both and Happy Valentine's Day!!


grisanti-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-45Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-99Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-106Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-123Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-112Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grisanti-157Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Thinking of getting Engaged??  I can help with that.  Click here for more information on my Surprise Proposal sessions.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engaged engagement engagements love ohio photographer photography proposal proposals surprise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/all-the-love-tony-and-leah Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Abigail Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-abigail-part-2 They say some people are dog people, and some are cat people.  Personally, I think I'm a little bit of both, with my 2 dogs and Mr. Kitty.  So, needless to say I love when my clients bring their pooches with them for a photo shoot!  They are always so excited!!  All the new sniffs to sniff, being outside with their people, they are truly just so happy.  When you think about it, why wouldn't we include our family pets in our portraits?  They are our family members!!  Even if they are furry.  Now cats, eh, little more tricky.  Even though they are members of our family, I believe they think they are our owners and not the other way around, so posing them, never works well.

I was so happy when Abigail brought her two adorable pooches with her!!  They are sooo sweet!  Abigail chose Edgewater park for her second shoot, and we used both the Upper and Lower parts of the park.  I am obsessed with how they turned out!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from her shoot, and of course the cute poochies too!!


schultz-76Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-68Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-111Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-118Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com schultz-128Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I am booking Spring and Summer Senior sessions now!

Book yours today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-abigail-part-2 Wed, 13 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Nicole https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-nicole You know the future is happening when you start feeling scared.

As the graduation date grows closer, everything can start to feel very overwhelming.  If you haven't chosen a college, or trade school, or made plans for what happens next, the choices can be too many.  Adulting is knocking on the door, and the rest of your life is in front of you.  It can be very scary.  But also, very exciting.  Don't let the fear of what could happen stop you, instead think of what could happen with fresh eyes and excitement.  Right now the world is your oyster.  Big changes are around the corner, but they can be amazing!!

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Nicole!!

We had so much fun on her shoot in Playhouse Square.  We were even able to find a couple of new spots in that area, and I absolutely LOVE how her images came out!!

Here are a few of my favorites from the day!!

mueller-17Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mueller-25Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mueller-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mueller-68Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mueller-55Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mueller-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Booking Spring and Summer Senior sessions Now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-nicole Tue, 12 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Amanda Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-amanda-part-2 When life gives you Monday, dip it in some glitter and SPARKLE all day!!

This is a way better way to start the week, with some SPARKLE!!  Especially on a cold, dreary, gray morning.  So with my internal sparkle sparkling I wanted to share Part 2 of Class of 2019 Senior Model Amanda's session in Playhouse Square.  Loved this shoot, and plenty of sparkle to boot!!

Here are just a few of my favs from her shoot!!

misiak-101Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-87Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-83Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-113Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-123Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-128Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring and Summer Senior shoot today!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-amanda-part-2 Mon, 11 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior~Grace https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-grace Happy Friday!!!

Well, today I am dreaming of warmer days.  Mother Nature has decided to remind us that yes, it is actually still winter, and it seems the best way to do that is with snow, wind and cold.  Yay Mother Nature!!  (insert sad face)

While communicating with my Seniors and their parents I always tell them that after they come back from Christmas break it is sort of a downward slide to Graduation.  Their are deadlines to be met, college applications, choosing a college, prom, and graduation planning.  It can come at you so fast.  So if you are a senior or a parent reading this, remember, take the time to enjoy it.  It can be stressful.  Sooooo stressful, but such a great experience.

Today on the blog is Class of 2019 Senior Grace!

Our first attempt at Grace's session just did not happen.  Grace had chosen Huntington Beach as her location, one of my favorite spots.  But it was so windy, with high wind warnings, and her long beautiful red hair flying every which way.  Our second attempt was perfect.  We were even able to get some adorable ducks in her shots.  Grace as you navigate your way through the end of your high school career and prepare for college I wish you nothing but the success and happiness!!

Here are a few of my favorite images from Grace's Huntington Beach shoot!!


jarzabek-160Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com jarzabek-108Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com jarzabek-95Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com jarzabek-180Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com jarzabek-191Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Ready to book your Spring Senior Portraits??  Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-grace Fri, 08 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Senior~Ally Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-ally-part-2 Last week was frigid temps well below zero, and no one wanted to leave their houses.  This week there are birds chirping, much milder weather, fog and rain.  I know it's only February, but it's days like these that make me a little stir crazy and SOOOOOO ready for Spring days. 

So here's a little throw back, (and a little of me getting caught up) of Part 2 of Ally's Senior session at the Art Museum!!

LOVE LOVE LOVED this shoot!!  I mean who wouldn't??  We were very lucky to be able to shoot inside the actual museum itself, and the images are stunning!  Although Ally is already away at college, getting ready to finish her first year, I had to share!  Ally, I hope that your first year has been amazing, and can't wait to see what the future holds for you!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from the day.....


sabo-122Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com sabo-140Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com sabo-133Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com sabo-171Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com sabo-154Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I'm booking Spring 2019 sessions Now!!

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/senior-ally-part-2 Thu, 07 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Grace https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-grace Spring is right around the corner.  Approximately 42 days!!

Spring always feels like such a new beginning.  A fresh start.  When your in school it's kind of like the beginning of the semester when they say everyone starts out with an "A", and it's just up to you to keep it.  For High School Seniors, it can be graduation.  It's the ending of their High School careers, and the beginning of something entirely new.  So for all the Seniors, enjoy every last minute that remains of your high school days.  Although one chapter will be closing, another, exciting new beginning is right around the corner.

Meet 2019 Senior Model Grace!!

We had so much fun on this shoot!!  We are so lucky here in Cleveland that we have so many cool places to visit.  The cultural gardens are no exception.  Fountains, stairs, metal gates, stone structures, all kinds of fun places for a photography shoot.  Grace I had so much fun working with you and wish you nothing but success and happiness in your future!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Grace's session.......


holocker-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com holocker-75Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/class-of-2019-senior-model-grace Wed, 06 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
A Surprise Proposal~Luke and Allison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/a-surprise-proposal-luke-and-allison It's February already!!  Where has the time gone??  The last several months seem to be a blur!!  But we have been fortunate enough these past couple of days to have beautiful weather with SUNSHINE (yes believe it or not!) and it has been unseasonably warm melting away much of the snow and it is a welcome reprieve from the icy cold temperatures of just last week.

So with the welcome sight of the Sun, and it being February, and Valentine's Day right around the corner it got me thinking about one of my most favorite session types.  Surprise Proposals!!

I'm never quite sure who is more nervous.  Myself, or the one getting ready to ask the big question of "Will you marry me?"  I love the look of surprise, shock, and love on the intended's faces.  It truly fills my heart with love.

Meet Luke and Allison!!

After a wonderful dinner at Pier W, they made their way over to Upper Edgewater Park to take a walk and enjoy the view of the beautiful evening..........and to pop the big question!!

Absolutely LOVE these beautiful shots we were able to get at both Upper and Lower Edgewater Park!!


vanderhoff-65Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-99Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-86Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-84Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-116Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com vanderhoff-156Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engagement fall ohio photographer photography proposal proposals surprise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2019/2/a-surprise-proposal-luke-and-allison Mon, 04 Feb 2019 19:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Lilli https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-lilli Make your Life your Masterpiece......

I stumbled across this gem the other day, and it really struck a chord with me.  I think that no matter what stage of life you are in this holds soooo true.  Especially for Seniors.  I love photographing Seniors.  Their Senior Year is such a jumping off point to the rest of their lives.  I love capturing who they are right now.  These are young men and women who are really growing into the adults they will become.  There is a sense of confidence about them that is truly an amazing thing to capture.  So I have to say if I were to give any advice to a High School Senior it would be "Make Your Life Your Masterpiece".

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Lilli!!

This is truly a Rock Star Family.  Lilli is the youngest of 6!  (yes 6!!)  And I have been truly blessed to photograph all of them.  Her siblings include an actor, a rockstar barber, and a makeup artist to just name a few of their amazing accomplishments.  So needless to say between her sisters they totally had her covered in the hair and makeup department!!  If we could all be so lucky to have that kind of glam team living with us!!  Lilli I had an absolute blast working with you!!  Such a laid back fun session in the Flats, catching up, and seeing the incredible young woman you have grown into.  I wish you nothing but happiness in your future!!

Check out just a few of my fav images from her session...... 


wolf-27Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-45Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wolf-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Class of 2019 don't forget to book your Senior Portrait session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-lilli Thu, 20 Sep 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Carrie https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-carrie Wednesday.

It's sorta, kinda, close to, just, about, nearly the weekend.......

I don't know what it is about Wednesday's.  I mean it's just a day right?  For me it fits somewhere between this is the longest week ever and it's barely started, and WOOHOO it's almost the weekend.  (even though I work most weekends)

So I have decided to woop it up this Wednesday and offer 20% off all Senior Portrait Session fees from now until Friday!!  Book your Senior Portrait session today!!  When booking your Class of 2019 Senior Portrait Session use code 1dq4g6.

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Carrie!!

LOVED working with Carrie!!  As anyone with braces knows, once you get them on, it can seem like it will be for-ev-verrrrr before you can get them off!!  No one wants them on for their Senior Portraits!!  I know she as excited as I am for her next session where she will finally be brace free!!  I can't wait to see that $5000 smile!!  She truly is a gorgeous soul inside and out!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Carrie's 1st session in the flats..........



mahon-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-16Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-38Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-53Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mahon-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-carrie Wed, 19 Sep 2018 18:00:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Brooke S. https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke-s I am a Summer person.  Absolutely no doubt in my mind.  I love the heat, the endless outdoor activities, even if it just means reading a book in the shade, and going barefoot.  Don't get me wrong I love Fall colors, fall back, fires, and pumpkins.  Not a huge fan of Winter, especially since I have moved here to Cleveland.  There have been years where it has just seemed endless!!  It always seems that as soon as the kids head back to school that Fall and Winter are knocking on the door!!  SOOOOOO not ready!!  I have also already had that official "you're getting old" moment when I saw Halloween candy and decorations in stores in what seemed like August!!  TOO soon!!

There is no doubt this year has flown by, and I really wish it would slow down a bit!!  Just a smidge.....


Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Brooke!!

We had soo much fun on her shoot down in the Flats.  Brooke has an amazing smile, and is so easy to work with.  Between her perfect curls, laid back vibe, and incredible smile we were able to get some amazing shots of her.  Here are just a few of my favs from her session............


stimetz-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-17Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-59Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com stimetz-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke-s Tue, 18 Sep 2018 19:00:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Amanda https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-amanda Growing up, when you went on road trips there were endless games you would play in the car to keep you busy, and to try and not drive the parental units absolutely crazy.  Now mind you, this was waaaayyyy before digital devices offered countless hours of entertainment.  Some of the games I remember was trying to see how many different license plates you could find from the 50 states.  Hawaii, and Rhode Island were the unicorns of that game.  Trying to get a truck driver to honk at you by pumping your fist up and down.  But, an all time favorite game was Slug Bug.  You see a Volkswagon Beetle and you punch whoever is nearest you in the arm, or leg, all while screaming "Slug Bug No Punch Backs!!"  Yellow Slug Bugs being the ultimate Slug Bug in this game.

I must admit VW Bugs have gotten WAY cooler over the years.  They no longer make that classic bug sound, and they are still as adorable as they ever were.  More so honestly, in my opinion anyway.  I mean, really, what can be more adorable than a car that let's you bring flowers with you every day in it's own vase?!?  How is that not a happy car??

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Amanda!!

Amanda is awesome!  When she asked if it would be ok if she brought her car to which my answer is always yes, I can't tell you how excited I was when it was a little yellow Love Bug!!  Love all of these shots we were able to get down on the West Bank of the Flats.  Here are just a few of my favorites!!

misiak-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-25Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com misiak-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I mean this could SO be a Volkswagon advertisement!!

misiak-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

***Class of 2019***

The time to Book your Fall Senior Photo session is Now!!

Click here for more information on Sessions and Photography Package Collections

Click here to Book your Session Now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-amanda Wed, 12 Sep 2018 19:00:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Brooke https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke 17 years.

I can still remember exactly where I was, and what I was doing 17 years ago today.  Normally I can't remember half the time what I did yesterday.  But, September 11, 2001 is a day I can.  I think it would be hard to find someone who doesn't remember exactly where they were, or what they were doing that day.  Lives, families, a country was changed by that day.  The graduating Class of 2019 was the last graduating group of kids to be alive on that day.  Just thinking about that, and the fact that it has been 17 years seems so crazy to me.  It is a day we will never forget.

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Brooke!!

This year has been crazy for me, because so many of my clients this year are the younger siblings of previous clients.  Somehow, even though you know they are growing up, you still see them as the younger sibling, until it's time for their Senior Portraits.  Then it hits ya!!  Where the heck did that time go??  The same can be said of Brooke!  I have had the privilege of photographing all of her family and older siblings over the years.  Lucky for us, her older sister even came along on her shoot!!  The day was absolutely gorgeous downtown in the flats for her shoot, and so are her images!!

Here are just a few of my favorites!!


strnad-66Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-53Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com strnad-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

***CLASS OF 2019***

Book your 2019 Senior Portraits Today!!

Click here for more info on Sessions and Package Collections!!

Click here to Book Your Senior Portrait Session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/9/class-of-2019-senior-model-brooke Tue, 11 Sep 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Eric https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/8/class-of-2019-senior-model-eric I'm always looking for some sort of inspirational saying.  Sometimes they find me when I'm not even looking.  I have always found it funny how someone can say something to you, whether it's a piece of advice or not, and you don't quite get it.  Then someone else can say the exact same thing and it just hits you and makes total sense. 

As a parent, and grandparent, this is witnessed repeatedly.  You tell your kids something.  They don't listen.  Someone else tells them the EXACT same thing, and BAM! it's the best piece of advice they have ever received, and even more shocking, they LISTEN!  Ohhhh the joys of parenting.

The last couple of weeks everyone has been heading back to school.  Pics are being posted of last first days, first of many first days, and everything in between.  Today I stumbled across this little gem.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  ~Maya Angelou

We could all benefit from this.  Take a minute to talk to someone new, the new kid at school who is feeling anxious, the stranger sitting alone in the doctor's office, put a smile on your face when your out and about.  You never know what anyone else is going through and you could possibly just make that person's day all that much better.  Or it could be you.

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Eric!!

I have had the pleasure of knowing this family for awhile now, and the honor of photographing Eric's older brother.   When we were scheduling Eric's shoot, it turned out 3rd time was a charm!  Scheduling conflicts,  and crazy weather that poured on us 10 minutes into his shoot, even though there was NO PRECIPITATION forecasted until we got there, we were finally able to get it in.  I'm SO glad we waited!!  We had an AMAZING session!!  A moving van background, and his blue eyes made for a stunning session!  I absolutely can NOT wait to work with Eric throughout his Senior Year!!

Here are just a few of my Favs!!

****Class of 2019****

I'm scheduling Fall Sessions!!

Book your shoot today!!

minor-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-64Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com minor-70Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/8/class-of-2019-senior-model-eric Tue, 21 Aug 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2019 Senior Model~Abigail https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/8/class-of-2019-senior-model-abigail I saw this quote today.  "Although time seems to fly by, it never travels faster than one day at a time.  Each day is a new opportunity to live life to the fullest." 

At first glance it is a totally awesome positive quote.  And then I realized it is already August, and the summer has completely flown by!!  Kids will be heading back to school in the next couple of weeks.  Which undoubtedly will bring back strict schedules and routines that go along with that.  I don't know about you, but I am SOOOOO not ready!!

It also means it's time to schedule your Class of 2019 Senior Portraits, because in just a few weeks all of you Class of 2019's will be starting your last first day of High School as a SENIOR!!

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Abigail!!

Back when Abigail signed up to be a Senior Model she told me she was into dance.  Of course my first question is always do you have a tutu?  I think in another life I was a ballerina, clearly.  Yes she did!!  Whenever I meet new clients and they give me ideas of what they would like to do, or certain props they would like to include, I always sort of envision the shot in my head.  Sometimes it doesn't quite work out, but other times oh yes it does, and in fact is WAY better than I could have imagined!!  That's exactly what happened at Abigail's shoot!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Check out just a few of my fav images from Abigail's 2019 Senior shoot!!  Oh, and also don't forget to mention her name when you book your 2019 Senior shoot!!


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I mean, just check these out!!!  LOVE!!!

schultz-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more info on Senior Portrait Sessions and Package Collections click here!!

Book your 2019 Senior session TODAY!!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer family ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/8/class-of-2019-senior-model-abigail Mon, 06 Aug 2018 16:45:00 GMT
Class of 2018 Senior~Allison Part 1 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/5/class-of-2018-senior-allison-part-1 Here in Cleveland we are truly lucky to have so many cool places to visit, downtown, the Flats, University Circle just to name a few.  As a photographer, I love all the truly unique backgrounds all of these places and more offer for my photography.  When a client books their photo session with me I always have ideas of where we can go, or if they have something in mind even if I have never been to that particular location, I am always willing to give it a shot.   As a movie once said, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get."

So when Allison booked her All Out Senior Portrait Session, I couldn't be more excited when she had ideas of where she wanted to go.

Lakeview Cemetery.

Now, my daughter and I spent a whole day there walking and driving all over and seeing all of the amazing structures, headstones, mausoleums, and views it has to offer.  But for a photo shoot?  I wasn't so sure, yes there are a ton of cool spots there that I have photographed, but I just wasn't sure what to expect.

Allison, her amazing mom Kim, and Lakeview Cemetery did not disappoint!  We had soooo much fun, plus, I mean just check out her images!!  Amazing!!  This is definitely one location I want to photograph at again, there are endless options.  Each one more unique than the last, we probably could have spent hours upon hours there!

Allison, as you are finishing off your Senior Year I wish you nothing but happiness for your future.

I also can not thank you both enough for showing me this amazing location, and any time you say you have a new location I am there!!

Here are just a few of my favorites from Allison's shoot!

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Class of 2019!!

I am looking for members of the Graduating Class of 2019 to represent Yonek Photography as a Senior Model!

Interested??  Click here!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography proposal senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/5/class-of-2018-senior-allison-part-1 Thu, 17 May 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Mr. & Mrs. ~ A wedding day of Love and Laughter Sara & Ray https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/mr-mrs-a-wedding-day-of-love-and-laughter-sara-ray I have probably said this a million and 5 times, but Monday's always seem like the absolute worst!  There always seem to be a pile of things to do, and catch up on from all the things that were put off over the weekend, or just didn't get accomplished during the previous week.  It seems like the last few weeks have been gloomy and gray, and that Spring was a mythical unicorn that would NEVER show up.  But, FINALLY, it looks like Spring is finally decided to come out of hiding along with the sun, and it is truly amazing how just a sunny day can put a little pep in your step and keep you motivated and moving forward!!

So I decided what better way to start this beautiful Spring sunny Monday than with a little LOVE!


Once upon a time I became yours and you became mine, and we'll stay together through both the tears and the laughter......

Because that is what the call Happily Ever After...........

Sara & Ray are just a great couple, and I was so honored to be a part of their Special Day.  From the moment the day started, everyone was relaxed, and you could feel the love and excitement everyone had for these two.  Just a perfect day.

Thank you Sara and Ray, I wish you nothing but love and happiness.

Here are just a few of my favorite images from their beautiful wedding......


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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these colors and textures!!

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STUNNING!! linville-807www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

Florist- Lisa Daniel Floral Design

Hair-Randi Fitch at Always in Style

Makeup-My Fair Makeup

DJ's-Rock the House Entertainment

Linens/Chairs/Backdrop-Party Decor

Bridesmaid Dresses-Lulus

Bride's Dress-CLE Bride by Expressions

Tuxes-American Commodore

Cake-Michael Angelo's

Food-Catering by Verba's

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland fall just love married ohio photographer photography wedding weddings yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/mr-mrs-a-wedding-day-of-love-and-laughter-sara-ray Mon, 23 Apr 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Featured Session~Padua Softball 2018 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/featured-session-padua-softball-2018 I LOVE doing these team shots!!  So much fun!!

Saw this awesome quote, and it is so fitting.

We play together,

We win together,

We lose together,

We stay together.

One Team One Dream

Congratulations Ladies and Best of Luck this Season!!

2018 softball-5 IG 5x7www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer high photographer photography photos school senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits softball sports team https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/featured-session-padua-softball-2018 Thu, 12 Apr 2018 17:30:00 GMT
Featured on How He Asked~Elizabeth and Jacob https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/featured-on-how-he-asked-elizabeth-and-jacob as-seen-on-hha-tk-badgeas-seen-on-hha-tk-badge

EEEEEEEK!!!!!   So excited to have this engagement session on How He Asked by the Knot!!

I am truly honored and humbled to have Elizabeth and Jacob's Engagement session as the Featured Session today!!

Elizabeth and Jacob's Love Story is so sweet!!

Click this link to see their Love Story and more images from their Engagement Session.

anderson-20www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

Contact me for more information on Wedding, Engagement and Proposal photography.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engaged engagement engagements ohio photographer photography wedding weddings yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/featured-on-how-he-asked-elizabeth-and-jacob Tue, 03 Apr 2018 17:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Model~Megan Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/2018-senior-model-megan-part-2 Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter spending time with family, friends, and loved ones!!

A couple weeks ago we were able to get in Part 2 of Megan's 2018 Senior Model shoot.  While it was sunny, it was chilly, especially with the wind.  It's amazing after such a long winter how just seeing the sun will make you feel so much better!!  Loved this shoot with Megan on the East Bank!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images.....

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Schedule your Senior Portrait Session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/4/2018-senior-model-megan-part-2 Mon, 02 Apr 2018 19:15:00 GMT
Calling all Seniors!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/calling-all-seniors spring booking marketing boardYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Calling All Seniors!!  (or soon to be Seniors!!)

Now thru March 27 Book your Senior Portrait Session and use code 1DB2EKH and receive 20%off your Session Fees!!

For more information on Senior Portrait Sessions and Package Collections click here.

Now go Book your Session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/calling-all-seniors Thu, 22 Mar 2018 16:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Portraits~Scotty https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-portraits-scotty Happy Spring!!

Officially today is the First Day of Spring!!  Looking out my window you may not completely think so with the piles of lingering snow, but it is officially here!!  FINALLY!!  Longer days, warmer weather, actual SUNSHINE!!  YES!!  Now, it just has to get warm.  But you know, beggars can't be choosers.

I have had the amazing opportunity to photograph not only Scotty, but his 2 older brothers also.  All of them great young men, and a wonderful family.  I had such a great time working with Scotty, he was such a great model, even if I kept telling him how much is definitely his dad's twin!  Scotty as you move through the rest of your Senior Year and beyond, I wish you nothing but happiness and success in all of your endeavors!!

Here are just a couple of my favorites from Scotty's Senior Portrait Session!!

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Book Your Senior Portrait Session Now!!

Use code 1DB2EKH for 20% off your Portrait Session.  Hurry code expires March 27!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-portraits-scotty Tue, 20 Mar 2018 18:30:00 GMT
Monday Mornings and Irish Blessings https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/monday-mornings-and-irish-blessings Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone survived their St. Patty's weekend!!

A little Irish Blessing.......

May your Troubles be Less,

And your Blessings be More,

and Nothing but Happiness come through your Door.

And since a picture always makes any post better, here is one of my favorites.  Although we did not shoot this in Ireland, Riley is Irish, and has been to Ireland, and is an Irish dancer!!  I think that totally makes up for the not being in Ireland part. 

(Although Ireland is definitely one of the places on my bucket list!!)


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/monday-mornings-and-irish-blessings Mon, 19 Mar 2018 19:00:00 GMT
2018 Senior Model Part 3~Sarah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-model-part-3-sarah I don't know about you, but Daylight Savings Time totally kicks my booty.  I mean it's one hour.  But literally feels like you lose half a day, and are waking up in the middle of the night.  Just when the sun has started to come out in the morning, we are shoved back into total darkness yet again.  Spring, I'm begging you.  PLEASE HURRY!!

Anyhoo, let's get back to the point.  Today's post is all about 2018 Senior Model Sarah!!

I always encourage all of my sessions to get a family portrait with their Senior Portrait Sessions.  Graduation comes around so fast, and once your Senior heads off to College, their schedules can get tricky, and getting all your kiddos back together for a family portrait can become a feat unto itself.  So needless to say I was so happy when Sarah and her family decided to include Sibling photos in her Senior Portrait Session.

Now, I am an only child, and as my own children remind me ALL the time, I don't understand the sibling relationship.  I admit it, I don't.  But, what I can do is appreciate it.  My observations of siblings, not only of my own children, but of friends and family, and my clients, is this.  They may pick on each other, be totally annoyed by each other, and at times not even seem to be able to stand one another but one thing is for sure.  They will always love each other, and hell hath no fury like siblings sticking up for each other.  I found this little saying that kinda sums that all up.

Siblings:  (n.)  a combination of a best friend and a pain in the neck.  They might be the most annoying people around you but you still love them endlessly.

Kinda sums it up.  Here are just a couple of my favs of Sarah and her brother, oh and a few of Sarah too.......


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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) child portraits cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-model-part-3-sarah Tue, 13 Mar 2018 19:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Session~Hanah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-session-hanah Hip Hip Hooray it's Friday!!

It's a well known fact in my home that I literally cry at EVERY Disney movie.  In fact, my children tease me relentlessly about it, and wait with baited breath for my tears whenever we watch one.  I mean I even cried at Iron Giant.  So when the Disney Princess movie, Brave came out, of course they asked if I was going to cry at that movie also.  We all knew that the answer was of course, yes.  It is such a cute movie, with the 3 little brother bears, the mother daughter story, how could you not ball your eyes out?? 

The story centers around Princess Merida, with her crazy beautiful flowing curly red hair.

Which brings me to Class of 2018 Senior Hanah!!  How could you not make a comparison??  LOVE LOVE LOVE her hair!!

We had such a great time shooting Hanah's Senior session in beautiful Brecksville.  Between the hair, the eyes, the skin she is simply put stunning!!  Thank you Hanah for choosing me to document your Senior Year.  I wish you nothing but happiness and success the rest of your Senior Year and Beyond!

Here are just a few of my fav images...

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Book your Class of 2018 Spring Senior Session today!!

I promise it will eventually stop snowing!!  I mean it has to.  Right??


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-session-hanah Fri, 09 Mar 2018 20:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Portraits~Maura https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-portraits-maura There is an old saying that if March comes in like a lion it will leave like a lamb, or vice versa.  March definitely came in like a lion with all of the heavy wet snow storm that came in last week.  I don't know about you but I am SOOOOOOOO ready for Spring.  With more days full of beautiful sunshine, hearing birds chirping, and more warm days above 30 than below, I am extremely hopeful that Spring is right around the corner.

That means Spring Senior sessions are right around the corner, and it is time to get yours scheduled now.

I had the pleasure of photographing Maura's sister's Senior Portraits, and it is such a compliment when a family continues to choose me to document their families.

Loved this shoot!!  Olmsted Falls is such a beautiful location, and on this day this new pile of stones had shown up.  Well of course we had to get a shot with them, and I could not be more pleased with how they turned out.  Her images are stunning!!

Maura, I wish you nothing but the best the rest of your Senior Year and Beyond!!

Here are just a few of my fav's from Maura's Portrait Session.......

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Schedule your Senior Portrait Session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-portraits-maura Wed, 07 Mar 2018 19:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Joe https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-joe This past week has reminded me that time is precious.

Time is something that no matter our age, we can easily take it for granted.  There is always more time.  More time to see the things we want, to see the ones we love, to do the things we want.  As we get older we learn that time is a gift.  A precious gift that can very easily be taken away at any time.  So, if there was one piece of advice that I could offer, it would be this.

Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.

Do more, see more, take more time with the ones that are important to you, experience more.  As the Class of 2018 prepares to graduate and make your way out in the world, remember this advice, Do More.

We chose a few different locations for Joe's Senior Portrait sessions.  Downtown is always one of my favorite locations to shoot with all of the color and endless possibilities, and of course the entire city as a background.

Here are just a few of my favorite images....

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Booking Spring Senior Portrait Session Now!!

Click here for more information.


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/2018-senior-joe Tue, 06 Mar 2018 20:30:00 GMT
It's all about the Ring! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/its-all-about-the-ring A ring is so symbolic.  It's a circle, it has no beginning and no end.  It is a traditional symbol of eternity or infinity.  Traditionally with engagement or wedding rings it is a sign of fidelity, and undying love of the married couple.

Every couple's love story is different, as is every couple.  Being a engagement and wedding photographer, I have seen so many different rings.  I love hearing my couples love stories, and seeing their rings, they are always so beautiful and so personal to each couple.  Every ring is a personal representation of their love, their bond, and their relationship.  So whenever I photograph a couple, getting a shot of their rings is always so important to me, because it is a physical daily reminder of their love for each other.

And that is something that I truly find beautiful.

I found this little poem to share.

With this ring, I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home.


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For more information on my Proposal, Engagement, and Wedding Photography contact me here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio engagement photography cleveland ohio senior photographer cleveland ohio wedding photography engagement engagement photography fall ohio photography proposal photography senior photography wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/3/its-all-about-the-ring Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Madison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-madison The other day I looked out the window, it was still light out, and I realized what time it was.  The days are getting longer, the weather is getting milder, and that can only mean one thing.  That's right!  Spring is right around the corner!!  I for one can absolutely not wait!!  For me, the longer days, the warmer weather the better.

After being cooped up inside over what seems like an extremely long winter, it's time to get back outside.  I am so looking forward to Spring and Summer Photography sessions!!  My calendar is filling up quick so if you haven't booked your session yet now is the time.

Meet Class of 2018 Senior Madison!!

Madison was so much fun to work with!!  This is one of those sessions where everything came together perfectly.  The sun was out, it was a gorgeous mild day, and the colors were utterly gorgeous!!  Not to mention Madison was relaxed and put her trust in me and together we were able to capture these stunning images.  Madison I wish you nothing but the best in the rest of your Senior Year and beyond!! 

Here are just a few of my favorite images from her session.....


dusky-21www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-37www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-32www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-28www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-5www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-41www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography dusky-55www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

The time is NOW!!  Book your Spring or Summer Photography shoot today!!  Click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-madison Tue, 27 Feb 2018 20:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Portrait Session~Julianna https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-julianna  Maybe this day is not

        One of your favorites.  But

   Never forget that every

 Day you wake up is an

       Amazing gift and it's up to

You to make it count.

That right there says it all.  I don't know about you but Monday's can kinda suck.  It might have something to do with putting everything off over the weekend until the start of the week or that they just suck.  I haven't quite decided, and it might be a combination of the two.  But if you take the time to remember that every day is a gift, it makes Monday's a wee bit easier.  That and coffee.   Lot's, and lot's of coffee.

This quote also made me think of Senior Year.  For every Senior this can be an overwhelming year, with tons of choices to be made.  Fun, and exciting year, but overwhelming still.  Applying to college, deciding what you want to study in college, if your even going to college, prom, ordering caps and gowns, graduation parties, sports, grades, ACT scores, the list goes on.  Just remember to breathe, enjoy the time while you can, because it does go fast, and remember each day is a new day to start all over.

Meet Class of 2018 Senior Julianna!!

Julianna chose Olmsted Falls for her location, and the colors were gorgeous!!

We had a ton of fun, it was a gorgeous day and she has a beautiful smile!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from her session............

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Love this old phone booth!!


Class of 2018 Seniors it's time to book your Spring Photo session today!!

Click here to schedule!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-julianna Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:00:00 GMT
2018 Senior Portrait Session~Kailey https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-kailey Well, well, well......  Look what finally decided to show up.

Hello Friday!!!

I don't know what it is about Friday's, it's almost like a magical kinda day.  The end of a week of schedules, time frames, and the weekend is here promising all kinds of new adventures.  Whatever it is, I will take it!!

Downtown Cleveland is one of my favorite locations.  The colors, the structures, and the endless new places waiting to be discovered.

Meet Kailey Class of 2018 Senior!!

Working with Kailey was a ton of fun!!  I love all the colors from her outfits to the locations we chose downtown.

Here are just a few of my favorites.......



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Sometimes all it takes to find a new location is just turning around and looking at what is behind you.  The above photo is just that.  I have shot this area a hundred times, but this time I turned around and loved how she was framed in all that blue.



Class of 2018 it is time to schedule your Spring Photo shoot!!

Click here to schedule now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-kailey Fri, 23 Feb 2018 16:00:00 GMT
2018 Senior Portrait Session~Anthony https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-anthony Happy Thursday!!

Recently I saw a post on social media declaring Spring had arrived, except you Ohio, we really have no idea what's going on there.  That is sooooooo true, especially this week.  Tuesday it's near 70, and today an icy wintry mix of ick, only to follow next week with mid 50's.  I had found this quote that I loved.

Know this:  You can start over, each morning.

And here in Cleveland that is exactly how the weather goes, like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

Regardless of the weather Spring is right around the corner and we will be able to expect (hopefully anyway) more warmer sunny days than cold gloomy days.  For the Class of 2018 that also means that around the corner is Prom, and Graduations.

I had a blast on Anthony's portrait session in beautiful Brecksville.  It is one of my many favorite locations, with some truly unique backgrounds around the area.  Thank you Anthony for the opportunity to document your Senior Year!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from his session.....

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Book your Spring 2018 Senior Portrait Session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/2018-senior-anthony Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:00:00 GMT
Love is in the Air~Kayln and Jared https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/love-is-in-the-air-kayln-and-jared Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today is a day when love is in the air.  A day we show appreciation and love to the one's who are the most important to us.  The day we say I love you.  I love you for who you are, and who you are in my life.

With that in mind I couldn't think of a better way to express that than with an engagement shoot!!

Meet Kayln and Jared!!

Love this couple!!  Very laid back and utterly adorable.  I absolutely am honored they chose me to not only document their engagement, but also their wedding, which I am sure like this shoot will reflect who they are as a couple.


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For more information on engagement, surprise proposal, or wedding photography pricing please click here!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) bride cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer day engagement fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography proposal valentine's wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/love-is-in-the-air-kayln-and-jared Wed, 14 Feb 2018 19:30:00 GMT
It's Fat Tuesday!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/its-fat-tuesday This is Mardi Gras week, with today being Fat Tuesday.  In honor of that every year at this time packzi make their appearance all over Cleveland bakeries.  So of course yesterday I ran out to get some to avoid the inevitable lines for today.

Now packzi, if you have not had one, are these amazing little (well the ones I got were not so little) doughnuty pastries filled with every type of scrumptious kind of filling from fruits, to my new favorite cream cheese.  The polish people knew what they were doing when they created these amazing little confections.

This morning while I was getting ready to drive my daughter to school she informed me the apple filled packzi was to be her breakfast and that what ever she did not finish eating on the way she was going to have zero shame walking into school with it.  (that's my girl!)

So as we are driving to school I informed her that before I had moved here I had never eaten a packzi before.  The look I received in response to this was somewhere between shock, and typical teenage I think my mom doesn't know what she is talking about.  But, it's true.  No packzi for me before moving to The Land of the CLE.  This was apparently she just could not fathom, that the entire country, heck the entire world may not know what a packzi is.  I continued to tell her that it was very recently that I discovered that packzi is not actually pronounced the way it is spelled, as in pack-zee, it is actually pooch-key.  She just laughed and laughed and laughed.

Gotta love those teenagers.

So in light of the fact it is Fat Tuesday, the Season of Mardi Gras, and Lent, and coupled with the fact my oldest lives in the land of Louisiana, it got me thinking about our trip down and our time New Orleans, which if you have never been is a definite must see.  Except maybe not in July, when we went, and it's 98 degrees at midnight, and that actually feels a wee bit cooler than it did during the day.

So grab your packzi, drink a hurricane, pretend your at a Mardi Gras parade and check out a few of my favorite pics from the Land of the Big Easy.

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Beignet's while also scrumptious just not quite a packzi.......

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Well, just because this little one makes any blog post just a wee bit better, plus she's really good at suckering her big Uncle into carrying her.  Notice the victory smile she has after getting her way. 2017-07-30 17.04.202017-07-30 17.04.20 2017-07-28 17.33.232017-07-28 17.33.23

Happy Fat Tuesday!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) beignets cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fat gras louisiana mardi packzi personal photography tuesday https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/its-fat-tuesday Tue, 13 Feb 2018 20:00:00 GMT
Snow and 2018 Senior Model~Maddison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/snow-and-2018-senior-model-maddison I don't know about you, but I am about done with all of this snow.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like snow.  I do.  But.  What I am beginning to have a serious dislike for, because I really don't like using the word hate (it's such a strong word), is snow in my driveway.  And the constant need to shovel it.  OVER IT!

So on that note, let's take a look at 2018 Senior Model Maddison's session!!

(much warmer days!!)  The most important thing to remember right now, is that Spring is right around the corner and every day we get a little bit closer to spring, and for Maddison and the whole Class of 2018, GRADUATION!!

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I am currently booking for Spring 2018!!  Book your Senior session Now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer ohio photo photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel sessions spring https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/snow-and-2018-senior-model-maddison Fri, 09 Feb 2018 20:30:00 GMT
Ready to pop the question? https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/ready-to-pop-the-question I choose you and I'll choose you over and over.  Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat.  I'll keep choosing you.


Valentine's Day is right around the corner and it got me thinking about all of the fun Engagement and Surprise Proposal's I've shot.  Surprise Proposal's are some of my favorites.  I think half the time I am more nervous than the soon to be fiance.  The sheer emotion on their girlfriends faces is enough to make anyone smile ear to ear.

The same goes with engagement shoots.  I love when my couples have fun with each other, it allows me to capture some amazing expressions.  Hearing their love stories and bringing them to life through my lens is truly an honor.

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Because every blog post is better with a puppy!!  Little Nana here was more than happy to have her portrait taken with mom's engagement ring!! parker-25parker-25 bukszar-75bukszar-75 sharrer-48sharrer-48

Watch the video for more engagement and proposal photography.


For more information on Engagement Photography or Surprise Proposal Photography email me, or click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engagement engagements ohio photographer photography proposal proposals surprise wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/ready-to-pop-the-question Tue, 06 Feb 2018 21:30:00 GMT
Super Bowl Monday https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/super-bowl-monday Even if you don't like football, chances are you still watched the game yesterday.  Whether it was just to watch the commercials, or to enjoy the halftime show, or just patiently biding the time to watch the new episode of This is Us.

Myself, I am a football fan.  It was a great game to watch.  So in the spirit of that I thought I would post a little video of some of the football players I have had the honor of photographing from the past couple of years.

And of course, my favorite football player is in there too!!



Schedule your Spring Senior Session today!!

Click here for more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections.


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football ohio photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/2/super-bowl-monday Tue, 06 Feb 2018 00:56:04 GMT
Love, Laughter, and Ever After....... https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/1/love-laughter-and-ever-after Here's to Love and Laughter and Happily Ever After......

When Jim and Angela contacted me to photograph their wedding there was no way I could say no.  I have been lucky enough to photograph this family for a few years now, and can truly say it is an honor and every time has been so much fun!!  So as you can guess their wedding day was something I was truly looking forward to.

They chose Coe Lake for their outdoor venue, and while there were plans for construction on the site, it was finished in time and absolutely stunning.  The wedding was small and intimate, with close family and friends.  Every part of the ceremony reflected their personalities and their relationship.  There was laughter, and love, and celebration.

To the new Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations!!

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland coe lake ohio photographer photography portraits said she wedding weddings yes yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/1/love-laughter-and-ever-after Wed, 31 Jan 2018 19:30:00 GMT
It's all about the Balance https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/1/its-all-about-the-balance Yonek Photographyalley nola

Don't think about what can happen in a month.

Don't think about what can happen in a year.

Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.

Those 3 sentences speak so much truth.  It can be so easy to fall out of balance and find yourself completely overwhelmed, to the point where you don't even know where to begin.  So you find yourself half beginning a little bit of everything, but absolutely getting no where, and FAST.

It's very common with the New Year to reevaluate your life, your choices, your business, what have you, and to make one or several New Year's Resolutions.  I will be the first to admit that I completely suck at New Year's Resolutions.  But setting goals, that I am a little better with.  (even if only slightly) This year I have set the goal of finding Balance.

Balance.  Seems easy enough right?  Ehhh.....not always.  Not for me anyways, well at least I don't feel like it did in 2017.

2018 is a going to be a whole different story.  The past several weeks I have been in full planning, and organization mode.  It's time to get the sh** together girl!!  I must say I think I have been spot on, or at the very least pretty darn close, but it will always be a work in progress.  I am not one of those that if it's not broke don't fix it kinda people.  I know, and absolutely believe that there is always room to improve.

I am sooooo excited for this year!!  So many new and exciting ideas, and practices, all of them leading to Balance.  Balancing a better life, balancing better work, but most importantly NEVER compromising the experience.  Because isn't that what life is about?  Better experiences.  So I will ALWAYS strive to give my clients the absolute best photographic experience to capture their memories that will last them a lifetime.

Over the next few weeks, and all of this year, you, my current and my future client, I can't wait to share what I've been working on.

Your gonna love it!



[email protected] (Yonek Photography) bride child portraits cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer cleveland ohio wedding photographer cleveland photographer engaged engagement engagement photography engagements fall family family portraits football friday night lights love monday morning ohio personal photographer photography proposal proposals senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel surprise wedding weddings https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2018/1/its-all-about-the-balance Tue, 30 Jan 2018 19:30:00 GMT
This Saturday!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/this-saturday Calling the Class of 2018!!

This Saturday December 2 the weather is gonna be gorgeous and I have openings for Downtown!!

If you haven't booked your Senior Portrait Session yet NOW is the time, don't wait!!

December 2 book nowDecember 2 book now

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/this-saturday Wed, 29 Nov 2017 14:13:04 GMT
Thank You https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/thank-you It's the Monday after the Holiday, and I hope everyone has recovered from their time eating too much, shopping and the long weekend.  I have surprised myself this year by how much I was actually able to accomplish!  Usually it is in mid December by the time my house is completely decorated, but not this year!!  Oh no, I am 90% decorated and ready to bring on the Holiday season!!

This past week was wonderful.  Not only did I take a day or two off but I was able to recharge my batteries, and evaluate all that I am truly grateful for over this past year.

First and foremost I am thankful for my family, having 2 of my kids home and spending some much needed quality time with them.  I am thankful for my health, and that of my children, family, and friends, for the roof over our heads I am able to provide as a single mom, for the amazing friends we spent the holiday with welcoming us into their home, and I am truly truly grateful to all of my amazing clients.

Without my amazing clients who value the service I provide and allowing me to document the major and minor precious moments and memories in their lives, I would not be able to do any of these things.  Thank you to all of you for allowing me to continue doing what I love and am passionate about full time and making this my career.  I am truly thankful for each and every person who has contributed to the success of my business.  I would be nothing without all of you.

May you all have a Blessed and Fabulous Holiday Season!!

thank you 2017 frontthank you 2017 front thank you 2017 backthank you 2017 back

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) bride cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer engaged engagement engagement photography fall family family portraits ohio photographer photography proposal proposals senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel surprise wedding weddings https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/thank-you Mon, 27 Nov 2017 20:37:11 GMT
2018 Senior~Samantha Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/2018-senior-samantha-part-2 It's the little things in life.....

For me it's things that sparkle, the smell of salty ocean air, spending time with my children and my granddaughter.  Taking time to appreciate the little things life has to offer makes you appreciate the big things even more.

Your Senior Year is filled with big decisions, and big events like Prom and Graduation.  Take the time to enjoy every single minute of your Senior Year.  Your Parents as well as Seniors before you will tell you that it goes by so fast.  Believe them it does.

Welcome to Part 2 of Samantha's All Out Senior session on the East Bank!!  LOVE that she brought these balloons with her.  Turns out getting balloons to cooperate on a semi windy day is a bit harder than it looks but absolutely love how these turned out!!

campbell-104Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-114Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-128Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-86Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-109Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-137Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/2018-senior-samantha-part-2 Tue, 07 Nov 2017 19:45:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Michael https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/2018-senior-michael The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.  ~Albert Einstein

We are all born with immense imaginations, some have larger imaginations than others, but it is something we all possess as children.  Some of it will be taught out of us as we learn in school and have to apply ourselves to more logical reasoning, but it will always still remain in some form no matter how small.

When we are children we imagine ourselves to grow up to be astronauts, or doctors, or super heroes.  For Juniors and Seniors in high school it is a time to start imagining what will you be when you graduate high school and go off to college and eventually start adulting.  It can be terrifying, but also so exciting.  This imagining of our lives will happen again and again as we get older.  Where will I be in 5 years, 10 years, hopes and dreams for not only ourselves but for our children.  Once again it will be exciting and terrifying all at once.

For the Class of 2018, if you have not already chosen your future path, you will soon.  Don't be afraid if you change your mind because you imagine yourself taking another path than the one you first decide on.  Keep imagining where you will be, and work to gain the knowledge that you will need to get you there.  This is such an exciting time for all of you!!

Meet 2018 Senior Michael!!

Just a few of my favorite images from his Simple Senior Session in Brecksville are below!!

kanzig-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kanzig-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kanzig-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kanzig-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kanzig-45Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/11/2018-senior-michael Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:00:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Samantha Part 1 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-samantha-part-1 It's the little things in life.......

Loved Part 1 of Samantha's All Out Senior session!!

One of my favorite locations and just a few of my favorite shots.......

campbell-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-44Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com campbell-82Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-samantha-part-1 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 19:00:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Laura https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-laura 1 Year=365 Opportunities!!

Meet 2018 Senior Laura!!

Loved this shoot, (even if the wind was crazy!) at Edgewater Park.

marica-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com marica-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com marica-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com marica-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com marica-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com marica-40Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your 2018 Senior Session today!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-laura Thu, 19 Oct 2017 18:45:00 GMT
2018 Senior Model Part 2~Kim https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-model-part-2-kim Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.....

It's easy to get wrapped up in our own little worlds at times staring at the screens of our phones.  Fall is a perfect time to get out there and do more to forget our phones for even just a few moments.  Pumpkin patches, fall hikes, bonfires, the list goes on and on.  There is also still time for your Fall Senior Portraits!!  Click here for more information on Senior Portrait Sessions and Package Collections.

Here's a quick look at Part 2 of 2018 Senior Model Kim's session in Brecksville!!  So much fun!!

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-model-part-2-kim Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:45:00 GMT
2018 Senior Model~Sarah Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-model-sarah-part-2 Live for the moments you can't put into words.

I can't believe it is already mid-October.  If you haven't scheduled your Fall Senior shoot yet NOW is the time!!  There is still a TON of fall color left, click here for more information on my Senior sessions and package collections.

Part 2 of Sarah's Senior Model shoot!!  I love that she brought her car with her, and the East Bank was a perfect location.  Here are just a few of my favorite images from her session!!

kazimer-117Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-65Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-85Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-73Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-93Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-94Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-109Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-110Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/2018-senior-model-sarah-part-2 Mon, 16 Oct 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Featured Video~GYB CLE https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/just-a-little-video Last year I was approached by Grow Your Business Cleveland to be a part of their video series of Expert advice for business.  I'm pretty confident that I ignored the first email, because what??  It had to be spam.  Then they emailed again, and I politely informed them that while very flattering I am pretty confident I'm not an expert.  And then they called.  (Persistent they were)  While we were talking I tried to talk them out of it, because I still wasn't really sure they were talking to the right person.  Me??  An expert??

Then they started asking questions.  Turns out, I just might be an expert in how I relate to my own clients.  So I gave in, and said "Hey why not??"  Am I SO happy I did!!  This was the coolest and most fun experience ever!!  Not only did I get to be a part of this series, but I was also able to help the interns who work there get some great experience.  With a daughter just graduating with a Masters, and a son in college, I know all about the "Sorry we can't hire you because you have no experience" but yet how do you get experience if no one will hire you??  I'm all about helping out an intern.  P.S.  Anyone looking for a finance major intern let me know, I got one for ya!!

I am SUPER proud of this and can not thank GYB CLE enough for this opportunity.  Plus I get to talk about my kids and my Izzaboo, so really it's a win win!!

Check out the video here!!

Just a couple of behind the scenes pics....

2016-12-07 15.08.002016-12-07 15.08.00

The awesome interns....

2016-12-07 13.59.062016-12-07 13.59.06

Turns out when you talk with your hands, it's really hard not to......or not as much...

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer expert family portraits gyb cle photographer photography senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/10/just-a-little-video Wed, 11 Oct 2017 18:00:00 GMT
Scheduling Fall Senior sessions Now!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/scheduling-fall-senior-sessions-now Happy Fall y'all!!

Even though it is nearly 90 degrees here in Cleveland today, it is officially the first day of fall. 

That means it's time to schedule your Fall 2018 Senior Session Today!!

fall senior marketing boardfall senior marketing board now_booking_fall_seniors_1080p

Click here for more information on Senior Sessions, and here to schedule!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/scheduling-fall-senior-sessions-now Fri, 22 Sep 2017 19:33:31 GMT
2018 Senior Model~Hailey https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/2018-senior-model-hailey Meet 2018 Senior Model Hailey!!

Just a few of my fav images from her shoot on the West Bank in Cleveland!!

2018 Seniors!!  Book your Senior Session today!!

friedman-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-17Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-40Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/2018-senior-model-hailey Wed, 13 Sep 2017 18:45:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Joe https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/2018-senior-joe
September is full upon us.  After the long weekend spent with family and friends watching the air show, and recharging my batteries, I am excited about the weeks to come.  Between football games, and fall color, and hopefully a few more weeks of warm weather, September is shaping up to be a fabulous month!!

Here is a quick look at a few of my favorite images from Joe's Simple Senior session.

pelesky-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com pelesky-17Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com pelesky-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com pelesky-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com pelesky-27Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com pelesky-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior sessions and Portrait Collections click here!!

Book your 2018 Senior Portrait session TODAY!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland cleveland ohio senior photographer fall football photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/9/2018-senior-joe Wed, 06 Sep 2017 18:40:00 GMT
2018 Senior~Marissa https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/8/2018-senior-marissa Today marks the first day of my daughter back in school, and like most mom's, I of course had to get the first day of school pic.  That picture brings so many mixed emotions, that I can only describe as bittersweet.  As I was looking on Facebook the last few weeks, there have been many first day's of school documented, and many last first days of Seniors who will be graduating this school year.

Senior year is busy to say the least.  That time flies by so fast, and when it is your first child to graduate you hear the more "seasoned" mom's tell you how quickly it is over and to enjoy every minute of this year.  Of course, this is something that none of us fully can comprehend until it is our child.  Homecoming, Friday night football games, ACT tests, visiting and choosing a college, prepping for graduation, prom, and of course Senior Portraits.  All important, and all marking yet another milestone in our child's lives.

Now, yes I am a photographer, (so you may say of course I would say this) but that Senior Portrait is important.  That is the last portrait we have of our child before they head off to college to start their own lives.  We will be lucky to have all of our children together again for just a family portrait, let alone one of them all by themselves.  Next stop at some point is marriage, and then that portrait will be with their significant other.  There is value, importance, and significance in that one portrait.  It's probably why I love photographing senior's so much, because this portrait I take of your child is who they are now, before who they will become, and I think that is pretty amazing.

Ok enough of me and my mixed bag of emotions.

Meet Marissa!!  Class of 2018!!

ruda-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ruda-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ruda-41Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ruda-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ruda-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com ruda-74Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Class of 2018 Senior Portraits Today!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/8/2018-senior-marissa Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:00:00 GMT
Just Married~Cody and Meagan https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/8/just-married-cody-and-meagan I have known Meagan and her family for several years, and had the pleasure of meeting Cody when he was a Senior and my son was a Freshman playing baseball together.  So when I heard they were engaged of course I was excited, and even more so when they entrusted me with the honor of documenting their wedding day!! 

It was an utterly gorgeous, albeit muggy, summer day.  Every detail of the day reflected their laid back style.  It was a day filled with love, family, and friends.  Congratulations to both of you!!

And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you. 

~The chaos of stars 



DJ-DJ Lo-key

Wedding Venue-Noah's Event Venue

Flowers-Blush Custom Weddings

Cake-Cakes by Maria

Dress-Lavender Bridal Salon

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland july just married ohio photographer photography wedding weddings yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/8/just-married-cody-and-meagan Wed, 30 Aug 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2018 Senior Model~Kim https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-kim Happy Wednesday!!

Meet Class of 2018 Senior Model Kim!!

rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com rega-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Have you scheduled your Class of 2018 Senior Portrait session yet?

Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-kim Wed, 19 Jul 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2018 Senior Model~Sarah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-sarah
Meet Class of 2018 Senior Spokesmodel Sarah!!

Loved this shoot!!  Here are just a few of my fav images!!

kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kazimer-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Schedule your 2018 Senior Portrait shoot today!!

For more information on Senior Portrait sessions and Collection Packages click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-sarah Thu, 13 Jul 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2018 Senior Model~Maddison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-maddison Meet Class of 2018 Senior Model Maddison!!

Loved this shoot and that we were able to get some fabulous sister shots!!

Book your 2018 Senior Portrait shoot today!!  Don't forget to ask Maddison how to get an amazing offer!!

thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thompson-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior Sessions and Portrait Collections click here.

Book your Senior Portrait Session by clicking here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/class-of-2018-senior-model-maddison Tue, 11 Jul 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Featured Post~How He Asked https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/featured-post-how-he-asked
Super excited to have Ashley and Yaw's Surprise Proposal featured on How He Asked!!


Check out the post here!



For more information on Surprise Proposals click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engagement engagements ohio photography proposal proposals surprise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/featured-post-how-he-asked Tue, 11 Jul 2017 16:31:54 GMT
Yaw and Ashley!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/yaw-and-ashley For many couples, their actual meeting place can be someplace completely different than what they tell their children.  Such as "Oh we met in a library".  For Yaw and Ashley, this was actually the case 7 years ago while in college.

He may might of known it at the exact moment he first saw her, but 7 years and a long distance relationship later, he would ask her to become his wife on a beautiful summer day in a utterly romantic location.

I had met with Yaw a month before to scout out a location at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens.  He had every detail planned, and so much so that you could just tell by the details how much he truly loved her and wanted to remember this day and make it truly special for her.  A week before the big day, he called to say that the ring would not be ready for another week and asked if we could reschedule.  But the day before we were originally scheduled, it seemed the stars aligned, some voodoo magic, and He stepped in to make sure everything would be perfect.  The day, which had previously been calling for rain, was gorgeous, the ring came in, and everything went according to plan.

Before every Surprise Proposal I swear I can be more nervous than the future groom.  But I have to admit, I absolutely LOVE shooting these sessions.   The look on her face is priceless, and I am lucky enough to witness and document it all.

Congratulations Ashley and Yaw!!

Once in awhile in the middle of an ordinary life , Love gives us a fairytale.


Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Surprise Proposals click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engagement ohio photographer photography proposal surprise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/7/yaw-and-ashley Fri, 07 Jul 2017 18:30:00 GMT
A beautiful Wedding~Rick and Denise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/6/a-beautiful-wedding-rick-and-denise It truly is an honor to photography my clients again and again, and just a huge compliment that they trust me enough to document their lives.  I had photographed Denise's son's Senior pics, and when she called saying she was getting married and wanted me to photograph the wedding of course i said YES!!

The ceremony was small, and intimate, surrounded by their families they said "I do" to forever with each other with their own heartfelt vows of love in the most romantic location at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens Japanese Gardens.  Rick and Denise have been together as a family for 11 years, but deciding to make it official in this intimate and romantic setting, surrounded by those that love them the most made it even more special.

My own children call me a giant vanilla soft serve all the time because I cry at pretty much everything, so as you can only imagine it took all my concentration not to ball my eyes out and shake my camera all over the place.

Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs!!

IMG_0865Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com IMG_0865Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com IMG_0865Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com IMG_0865Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com IMG_0865Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio wedding photographer photography wedding yonek photography weddings https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/6/a-beautiful-wedding-rick-and-denise Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2018 Senior Model~Megan https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/6/class-of-2018-senior-model-megan Can you believe it is almost the end of June already??  Time is just flying by.  Time to book your Senior Portrait session!! 

Meet Class of 2018 Senior Model Megan!!

mcdonald-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-23Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-68Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-74Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com mcdonald-80Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Sessions, and Package Collections click here.

To book your Class of 2018 Senior session click here.

Don't forget to ask Megan about an amazing offer!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/6/class-of-2018-senior-model-megan Tue, 27 Jun 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Joe https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-joe May the 4th be with you!


I was fortunate enough to work with Joe a couple of times over this past year, and we were able to capture some very cool images.  Here are a few of my favorites from his Senior session.

onorato-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com onorato-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com onorato-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com onorato-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com onorato-34Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com onorato-50Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Schedule your Senior session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-joe Thu, 04 May 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Anelise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-anelise Happy Wednesday!!

Meet 2017 Senior Anelise!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images from her session.

thomas-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com thomas-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Click here to schedule your Senior Portrait Experience today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-anelise Wed, 03 May 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Mikayla Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-mikayla-part-2 Rain, rain, go away, bring us warm sunny days!!

One question I am constantly asked this time of year is when to have your Senior Portraits taken.  There are many answers to that.  For your yearbook picture, your school generally has a contracted photographer who will take it for you.  There is usually a deadline which can be as early as right before school starting in the fall, to as late as right around the holidays.  Now, for your actual Senior Portraits, I highly recommend having them taken in the summer.

The reason for this is because there is so much going on your Senior Year between college visits, football games, if your involved in any kind of sport, ACT's graduation prep, choosing your school, getting ready for prom, graduation, and graduation parties the year will fly by in a blink.  With all of that going on during the school year it can be difficult to fit it in, and having them taken in the summer leaves you with one checkmark on your senior checklist starting the year!!  It's a win!!

Now, that does not always happen, life can sometimes get in the way. (as it usually does)  That doesn't mean you can't have them taken later, you can.  So for all of the current Class of 2018, there is still time to have your Senior Portraits taken before your graduation!!  Click here to schedule today!!

Absolutely loved working with Mikyala on both parts of her All Out Senior shoots!!  Here are just a few of my favorites from Part 2!!

maloney-60Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-72Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-90Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-110Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-mikayla-part-2 Tue, 02 May 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Lynn https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-lynn Happy May Day!!

May Day is a traditional spring holiday that according to Wikipedia includes dancing, singing, and cake.  It also seems like it should include sunshine, but on this dreery Monday we have rain and gray skies.  So today's blog post seems very fitting, because if we can't have sun, or cake, we can have bubbles!!

I love when my clients bring props or ideas with them to their shoots, to help showcase who they are, their ideas, interests, or talents.  Lynn brought bubbles!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!  I mean how can you not have a great time and get some great images with bubbles!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images from Lynn's 2017 Senior shoot.

tran-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com tran-40Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com tran-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com tran-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com tran-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com tran-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Senior Portrait Experience today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/5/2017-senior-lynn Mon, 01 May 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2018 Senior Spokesmodels!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2018-senior-spokesmodels Page-1-CoverYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Click here for more information!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2018-senior-spokesmodels Tue, 25 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Jess https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-jess Happy Monday!!

The sun is out, it's gorgeous, and there is an amazing week ahead!!

Just a few of my favorite images from Jess' 2017 Senior shoot!!

grucza-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

How adorable is this cutie!!??  Plus he is supporting his favorite basketball team!

grucza-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grucza-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grucza-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grucza-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com grucza-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Senior session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-jess Mon, 24 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Hannah https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-hannah Happy Friday Everyone!!

In light of all of the rain we have received the last few days Hannah's session is a fitting post for today's blog.  The day of her shoot it was calling for possible chances (51%) of rain later in her session.  Now living in Northeast Ohio a 50% chance of rain is common, not only do I just find a forecast of 51% funny, but it could mean anything, full on thunderstorm, just overcast, mist, even snow.  So needless to say that did not stop us.

Hannah was lucky enough to be accompanied by her fabulous glam squad, a.k.a her sisters, who were utterly fabulous and extremely helpful.  It did start to sprinkle little during her session and the glam squad jumped into action with a trusty blanket to save her from getting wet.  They were amazing!!  If you are a chick you will realize just how amazing this is when you need to save your hair!!

I had an amazing time and we were able to get some amazing shots.  A huge thank you to Hannah and her glam squad!!

verba-90Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-78Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-100Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-41Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-111Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com verba-118Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Need to schedule your 2017 Spring Senior shoot??  Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-hannah Fri, 21 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Sabrina https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-sabrina I am an all on location photographer.  Why?  Because I don't like doing the same thing all the time.  I don't want everyone's portraits to look the same.  I get bored easily.  If I'm bored and uninspired it will show in my work.  Now, don't get me wrong I use the same locations frequently, but even though it's the same spot, it's never the same.  Time of day, position of the sun, overcast skies, clouds, no clouds, wind all plays a factor.  Especially here in the CLE where we can have all 4 seasons in a week, sometimes in a matter of hours. 

So the question of location comes up, as you can imagine, all the time.  I think one of my favorite areas has to be in the downtown area.  There are so many nooks and crannies, and I am constantly finding new little niches to shoot.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think sometimes my clients look at me like I'm crazy when I say we are going to shoot on this curb of a parking lot that has these amazing wildflowers growing out of it and make it look like your in a field.  The results are amazing, that is not to say that sometimes it doesn't work, because sometimes it doesn't.  But I love trying something new.  It's all in how you look at it.

Here are a few of my favorite images from Sabrina's 2017 Senior shoot downtown!!

****Don't forget to book your Spring and Summer sessions****

Are you a member of the Class of 2018?  Click here now!!

burgio-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com burgio-39Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com burgio-41Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com burgio-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com burgio-46Yonek Pohtographywww.dyonekphoto.com burgio-52Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-sabrina Thu, 20 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Megan https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-megan Wasted moments.

 This past weekend saw a horrendous action broadcast over social media that changed a family forever.  My heart goes out to the family for all they are having to endure and that they will endure to heal over the next few days, weeks, months, and possibly years.

I was immediately appalled by one man's actions.  But in the days that followed I thought of several things, but one thing stuck out.  Wasted moments.  No one should waste one moment.  Tell your child or loved ones your love them, tell someone you have hurt your sorry, take responsibility for your actions and make a situation better, no one ever knows when that one moment will be your last.

Downtown Cleveland on the West Bank of the Flats is where we shot Part 1 of Megan's All Out Senior shoot.  The colors and location are amazing, and with an entire city as a background you can not go wrong.  Here are just a few of my favorite images from Megan's shoot.

dawson-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dawson-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dawson-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dawson-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dawson-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dawson-66Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Senior Photo shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-megan Wed, 19 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Jason https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-jason I hope everyone had a wonderful and peaceful Easter break.  Personally I spent the beautiful spring day enjoying time with 2 of my beautiful children, and our 2 furry friends at the beach!  Nothing better for recharging the batteries than sun, sand, and family.

Look at his blue eyes!!  Amazing!!  Loved this Simple Senior shoot with Jason.  Here are just a few of my favorite images.

bianco-1Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bianco-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bianco-17Yonek Photography bianco-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bianco-10Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com bianco-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Senior shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer football photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-jason Tue, 18 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Kristen https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-kristen I love this time of year.

The weather is getting warmer, spring rains are the best to sleep to, and summer is right around the corner.  It's a time of renewal.  Personally, I have several new locations that I can't wait to use for senior sessions that I have scouted out, some on purpose, most on accident.  Driving around and exploring the city, there are all kinds of amazing nooks and crannies.  Schedule your 2017 Spring Senior shoot today!!

Brecksville has been one of my favorite locations for years.  Here are a few of my favorite images from Kristen's Unique Senior shoot!!

geraci-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com geraci-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com geraci-21Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com geraci-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com geraci-60Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com IMG_7965Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-kristen Thu, 13 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Christina https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-christina I think Senioritis has set in.

Prom, and Graduation are right around the corner.  It's time to order your graduation cards and announcements as you are planning your Graduation parties!!  Click here for more info and options.

The art museum is an amazing location for Senior Portraits!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images from Christina's Senior shoot.

colella-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com colella-59Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

I am looking for members of the Class of 2018 to represent Yonek Photography as Senior Spokesmodels!!  Click here for more info!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-christina Wed, 12 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Rachel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-rachel Finally!!

It looks like Spring has arrived!!  All the trees are starting bloom, the weather is getting warmer, days longer, and I absolutely LOVE it!!

****2017 SENIORS****

There is still time to schedule your Senior Portraits.  Act quickly and Book Today!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Part 1 of Rachel's All Out Senior session!!

gawsyszawski-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gawsyszawski-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gawsyszawski-39Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gawsyszawski-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gawsyszawski-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gawsyszawski-73Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/2017-senior-rachel Tue, 11 Apr 2017 18:30:00 GMT
Class of 2018!! I want you!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/class-of-2018-i-want-you I am looking for members of the Class of 2018 to represent Yonek Photography as a Senior Spokesmodel!!

AllocraneMarketingBoard-5x5Yonek Photography2018 Senior Spokesmodels

Click here for more information or email me today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/4/class-of-2018-i-want-you Mon, 10 Apr 2017 18:15:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Jeremy https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-jeremy Generally speaking, I look forward to daylight savings time.  It is one of the first signs that spring is on it's way.  I love that the sun stays out till at least 7:30pm now.  However, one thing I do not like is the loss of that one hour.  One hour!!  It truly does not seem like much, but being a single mom entrepreneur, and just mom in general, I constantly feel I do not have enough hours in any one given day to get everything done, and now they have stolen another one!!  With the power outages from the wind storms, the "winter storm" and subsequent snow day, March has been one crazy month.  I am looking forward to the warmer weather that I hope and pray is right around the corner!!

Featured on the blog today is Jeremy!!

I had an absolute blast shooting Jeremy's session and loved his images!!  I was even lucky enough to work with him again when we shot his Baseball team's team photo.  You can always tell the clients that I have worked with on more than one occasion as you get to see the changes in them over the year.  Jeremy, as you finish out your Senior year I wish you nothing but good things, on the field and in the classroom!!

Just a few of my favorite images........

kovacs-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kovacs-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kovacs-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kovacs-43Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kovacs-27Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kovacs-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

****2017 Seniors!!!****

Haven't booked your Senior Portrait session yet??  Click here to book your Spring Senior session today!!

Don't forget to ask a Spokesmodel for an amazing incentive offer!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer football photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-jeremy Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel Part 2~John https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-john Happy Friday!!

I came across this little quote and I think it is just perfect.

The 5 W's in life

Who you are is what makes you special.  Do not change for anyone.

What lies ahead will always be a mystery.  Do not be afraid to explore.

When life pushes you over, you push back harder.

Where the are choices to make, make the one you won't regret.

Why things happen will never be certain.  Take it in stride and always move forward.

Just a few of my favorite images from John's 2017 Senior Spokesmodel shoot!!

heinzerling-54Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com heinzerling-66Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com heinzerling-74Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com heinzerling-91Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com heinzerling-95Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com heinzerling-110Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

****2017 Seniors****

Book your Spring Senior Session today!! 

Don't forget to ask a Spokesmodel about specials that are available!!



[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-john Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:45:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel Part 3~Kyla https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-3-kyla You know the future is really happening when you start to feel scared.

I literally can not believe it is March already.  2017 so far has not been great.  But this is how I am choosing to look at it.  There is a old saying that if March weather comes roaring in like a lion, the month will close out like a lamb, or vice versa.  So that is how I am going to look at the whole year.  Stick to my goals, pray, stay positive and focused.  Although in the same breath, I am not really sure what that says about the weather here in Cleveland for March.  Mother Nature seems very confused from one day to the next so far, so I'm fairly confident March weather is going to be a crazy roller coaster ride.

March also means that we are that much closer to graduation.  The reality of everything should be starting to set in not only for Seniors, but also parents.  It's a little scary this transition from High School Senior to independent (for the most part) College student gearing up to tackle the rest of your life, and adulting!!  Because believe me, most of us that are "adults" would gladly trade in our adulting cards some days. 

So if you find yourself a little scared of what the future holds, and this next chapter your about to enter into, either as a Senior or the parent of a Senior, that's ok.  Because if your not a little scared, nervous, or apprehensive, I would be surprised.  Sometimes, the best things in life are the most scary.

Below is a quick look at part 3 of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyla's session!!

*****2017 Seniors*****

Haven't booked your Spring Senior session yet??  It's not too late!!  Click here to book your session today!

Don't forget to ask any of my 2017 Senior Spokesmodels about a special discount!

wagner -122Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner -125Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner -131Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner -136Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner -148Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner -145Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/3/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-3-kyla Tue, 07 Mar 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Kyle Part 3 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyle-part-3 Happy Wednesday!!

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

This quote seems very fitting, especially as the Class of 2017 moves closer to graduation and their lives beyond.  The next few months will be busy planning, preparing, and celebrating as they move from one stage of life to the next.

Below you will find a few of my favorite images from Part 3 of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyle's photoshoot.  Kyle has been amazing to work with, and to watch not only his hair grow, but him as well.  I swear each time I see him he grows another 6 inches!!  Good Luck Kyle in all of your future endeavors!!


wisniewski-105Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-103Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-108Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-111Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-113Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-120Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Interested in becoming a Spokesmodel for the Senior Class of 2018??  Email me today!!


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyle-part-3 Wed, 22 Feb 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Katie Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-katie-part-2 The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow;  Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

I honestly don't know what it is about this quote but I absolutely love it, maybe it's this Cleveland weather, snow one day, and spring weather the next.  But I think it is very fitting in so many ways.

I have been extremely blessed to call this family friends, and to be able to photograph and document them all as they have grown into beautiful  and amazing young women.  Here is part 2 of Katie's 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Experience.

albert-85Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-94Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-92Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-108Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-96Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-116Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

****2017 Seniors*****

Book your Spring photo shoot today!!  Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-katie-part-2 Fri, 17 Feb 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Reilly Part 3 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-reilly-part-3 It seems that only in Northeast Ohio can the weather produce nearly all 4 seasons in week.  While we have been extremely blessed and fortunate with the mildness of this winter, you almost want to tell Mother Nature to please, just pick one at a time!!

By the time my Spokesmodels get to their 2nd or 3rd shoots, they have become seasoned pros, which makes the whole shoot a ton of fun, and gives a chance to catch up, and see how their senior years are going and what the future holds for them.  Reilly is a perfect example.  We had a great time capturing the amazing fall color, and a great time catching up.  Here are just a few of my favorites from her photo shoot.

daniels-131Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-125Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-111Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-133Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-139Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Think you may be interested in being a 2018 Senior Spokesmodel?  Email me today!!

2017 Seniors!!  The time to book your Spring Senior session is today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-spokesmodel-reilly-part-3 Wed, 15 Feb 2017 19:30:00 GMT
Celebrating Love https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/celebrating-love Valentine's Day.

A day set aside each year for many people to exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special someone.  Their Valentine.  It's a day of romance, and a day to remind your special someone, that they are special and loved.  It can also be a day to surprise your special love with a surprise proposal. 

You do not marry someone you can live with--you marry the person you cannot live without.

Here is a quick look back at some special engagements, and surprise proposals, of documenting love.

ortiz-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

anderson-35Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com gennaro-605Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com parker-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelly-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com sharrer-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com azzano-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

If you are thinking of proposing, or are engaged let me document the moment for you.  Click here for more information on Surprise Proposal and Engagement photography session.


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) Cleveland Engagement Ohio Photographer day engaged engagement engagements love photography proposal proposals surprise valentines yonek https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/celebrating-love Tue, 14 Feb 2017 20:52:04 GMT
2017 Senior~Annie https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-annie 2017 Senior Twins Round 2!!


Both of these amazing girls were super fun to work with, and knew exactly what they wanted.  Good Luck to both of you in all of your future endeavors!!

Just a few of my favorite images from Annie's session...

a_lloyd-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com a_lloyd-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com a_lloyd-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com a_lloyd-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com a_lloyd-44Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com a_lloyd-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

The time to book your 2017 Spring Senior photo shoot is NOW!!  Click here to schedule today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-annie Thu, 02 Feb 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Carolyn https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-carolyn Happy Wednesday!!

Two is always better than one!!

The best compliment anyone can give, is repeat service, or a referral to another client.  I photographed twin Seniors Carolyn, and Annie's older sister a couple of years ago, and was truly honored to be able to work with these two amazing girls as well.

Just a few of my favorite images from Carolyn's twin shoot with her sister Annie....

c_lloyd-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com c_lloyd-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com c_lloyd-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com c_lloyd-31Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com c_lloyd-45Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com c_lloyd-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring 2017 Senior shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits seniors twin https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/2/2017-senior-carolyn Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Mikayla Part 1 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-mikayla-part-1 Happy Monday!!

Well Winter has decided to show back up with a vengeance!!  Snow Day!!

A look at some of my favorite images from Part 1 of Mikayla's All Out Senior session in the Flats of Cleveland.

maloney-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-17Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-39Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maloney-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Spring 2017 Senior shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-mikayla-part-1 Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel Part 2~Reilly https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-reilly It's the 6th day of January and I am already done with cold and winter.  I never want to wish away time, but I am desperately wishing warm weather was a little closer especially when the temps are dipping way below zero.

So in defiance of Mother Nature, let's take a look back at this awesome shoot with 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Reilly!!  When Reilly mentioned she wanted to do a shoot at Huntington Beach with her Irish dance costume I was totally in, and I am so amazed with the images.  So cool.  Having never been to Ireland, (although one day I will) you can just imagine that these were taken on a lake somewhere.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!

daniels-59Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com
daniels-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-67Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-77Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-64Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-86Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-90Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-99Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-94Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com daniels-106Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Makeup by the talented Makeup by Allie

Now booking 2017 Spring Senior sessions!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-reilly Fri, 06 Jan 2017 19:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel Part 2~Erica https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-erica Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Erica!!

Erica is a serious Cleveland Indians fan and we had SO much fun creating these beautiful images!!

Just a few of my favorite images....

snyder-67Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-75Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-63Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-94Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-99Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Makeup by the talented Makeup by Allie

Book your Spring 2017 Senior or Family session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-erica Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:30:00 GMT
Happy New Year!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/happy-new-year It's the Tuesday after New Year, and time to get back to work.

It's amazing how this past year has flown by.  2016 for me, was a difficult year personally.  Lots of tears, struggles, and adjusting to a new life.  Through it all my little family and I managed to laugh, love and find our way.  One of the things I am truly grateful for, has been my photography business and all of my amazing clients I have met along the way.  I feel truly blessed to be able to continue to pursue my passion for photography, while supporting my family, and that is all because of you, my most amazing clients, and for that I am truly thankful.

The New Year brings with it a need to make resolutions.  I have made one.  I have resolved not to make ANY New Year resolutions.  Instead, this year I will be making GOALS for the coming year, both personal and professional.

2016 was full of many lessons, some hard, all necessary.  As I look back at 2016, there are changes to be made, and improvements to be implemented.  So as I look over at my goals everyday I will be striving to achieve each and every one of them, and can not wait till I can cross every one of them off, and even if I don't I will know that I tried, and pushed myself to be a better person, mother, business woman, and photographer.

Again, Thank You.  Thank You to each and every one of my clients that have gotten me here. 

Cheers to 2017!!  May it bring us all, happiness, health, blessings and of course tons of sparkle!!

EndOfYear2016ThankYouCard-FrontYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

EndOfYear2016ThankYouCard-BackYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) bride child portraits cleveland cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer engagement family family portraits photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2017/1/happy-new-year Tue, 03 Jan 2017 20:22:22 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel Part 2~Kyle https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/12/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-kyle Where has this year gone??  Time seems to be flying by, and it would seem winter has finally decided to show up and hang out for awhile.  It is December, yes, but I am still not ready for this cold weather and snow!!  Although at this time of year with the holidays right around the corner, it does help to get you into the Christmas spirit.  But seriously, after January it needs to go!!

I hope this finds you all enjoying time with friends, and family, as we get ready to celebrate this Christmas season.  If you are like me, you are still decorating, and have not even begun my Christmas shopping!!  OY VEY!!  Time is a tickin!!

With that in mind, let's look at a warmer day (as it is currently FREEZING outside) and take a peek at a few of my favorite images from Part 2 of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyle's shoot!!

wisniewski-73Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-75Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-58Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-71Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-91Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wisniewski-93Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Time to start thinking Spring!!

Booking Spring photo sessions now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/12/2017-senior-spokesmodel-part-2-kyle Wed, 14 Dec 2016 19:00:00 GMT
Engaged!! Meagan and Cody https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/12/engaged-meagan-and-cody Some things that start in high school last a lifetime.

I could not be more honored to document Meagan and Cody's engagement, and to photograph their wedding next year.  Little Nana came with them, and for being only a few months old was the star of the show in her little Santa suit, (oh......and her parents did a great job too!!)

www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography

Thinking of getting engaged this holiday season?  Capture that moment she says "YES!!" forever, click here for more information.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland engaged engagement ohio photographer photography pictures proposals wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/12/engaged-meagan-and-cody Tue, 06 Dec 2016 19:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Kyla Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/11/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyla-part-2 Happy 1st of November!!

Or as my daughter calls it the first day you can start playing Christmas music.  (soooooo NOT ready.......just sayin)

For the rest of us, fall color has come late this year, and there is still tons of color on it's way.  But if fall color isn't a priority for you, downtown Cleveland offers some amazing backgrounds!!  Tons of color and texture.

Just a few of my favorite images from Part 2 of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyla's session!!

wagner-62Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-60Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-81Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-77Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-52Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-93Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-109Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wagner-112Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior sessions, and Portrait Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/11/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyla-part-2 Tue, 01 Nov 2016 18:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Kenzie Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kenzie-part-2 Fall Color may not be in full bloom yet everywhere, but it sure seems that the fall weather is!!  It's time for fires, cuddling under warm blankets, and anything pumpkin.  There is also still time to schedule your fall Senior portrait session.  Fall color can be amazing, but if you are looking for something a little bit different a portrait session in the city might be for you.  In Cleveland there are tons of amazing little nooks and crannies, with lots of stone structure, metal work, and bold colors.  There are still times left available this year, schedule your 2017 Senior Portrait session today!!

Absolutely LOVE all of the bold colors in Part 2 of Kenzie's 2017 Senior Spokesmodel shoot.  I had lucked upon this brilliant and bright graffitti wall and I am smitten.  Below are just a few of my favorite images from Kenzie's shoot.

fyock-56Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-73Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-76Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-90Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-67Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-98Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-104Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-107Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-spokesmodel-kenzie-part-2 Thu, 27 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Lynsey Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-spokesmodel-lynsey-part-2 Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge dog lover.  So when Lynsey mentioned you wanted to include her 2 dogs in her 2nd Senior Spokesmodel shoot of course I was excited!!  Whenever dogs are included in either a family, or senior photo shoot I tell my clients that we will include the dogs closer to the end of the session that way they have time to walk around and sniff all the sniffs before their closeups!! 

Lynsey chose Upper Edgewater Park for her second location.  Absolutely amazing location and of course it has the Cleveland sign, and the dog beach.  Down at the dog beach is where it really started to get fun.  I was able to keep the dog's attention away from the water just long enough to get a couple perfect shots with both of them, and then Dad stepped in a hornet's nest!!  Dad ran for the water, and so did the puppy.  Dad was ok, and the puppy was truly happy swimming away!!

Here are just a few of my favorite shots from the day!!

wallace-55Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-58Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-70Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-66Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-79Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-83Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-86Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com wallace-87Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior Sessions, and Portrait Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-spokesmodel-lynsey-part-2 Wed, 26 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Michelle https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-michelle Happy Wednesday!!

Half way through the week, and it's another beautiful day!

Just a few of my favorite images from Michelle's Unique Senior Session.  LOVE those EYES!!

halle-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com halle-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com halle-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com halle-22Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com halle-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com halle-57Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Limited spaces still available to schedule your 2017 Senior Portrait Session!!

****BOOK NOW****

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-michelle Wed, 19 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Lianne https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-lianne While we have been enjoying these last several days of warm weather, all of the fall colors are slowly starting to bloom.  Over the next several weeks we will be able to enjoy all of the splendor of the amazing richness of color of fall.  Limited dates are still available, so schedule your 2017 Senior Portrait Session Today!!

A look back at this amazing Senior Session with Lianne in beautiful Brecksville, and just a few of my favorite images........

timko-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com timko-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com timko-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com timko-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com timko-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com timko-80Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

Book your Senior Portrait Session by clicking here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/10/2017-senior-lianne Tue, 18 Oct 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Ty https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-ty With October only a few days away it seems that Fall is officially upon us.  Fall means cozy sweaters, long pants, boots and of course, football!

Just a few of my favorite images from Ty's 2017 Senior shoot!!

kelley-28Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-4Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-38Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kelley-16Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Fall Senior Portrait shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-ty Thu, 29 Sep 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Ryan https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-ryan Being a creative, there are times when it can be challenging to come up with new ideas and to push yourself.  Every photo shoot I go on I push myself to try a minimum of one new idea each time.  I feel better about my work, and it helps me to not be stagnant.  When you work in a visual industry, no one wants to see the same thing over and over, and nothing new.  And I know I don't want to work like that, I would be bored out of my mind, and that is when my job would no longer be fun.  I love my career, and it is never boring.

Ryan had some great ideas for his shoot.  What I loved most is that he wanted to do later in the day with the Terminal Tower in the background.  This shoot pushed me creatively and I had an absolute blast and LOVE how his images turned out. 

Senior Portraits are about showing who you are at this moment in your life.  It is such a pivotal time, because you are becoming the adult that you will be.  Your making big decisions about your future this year and where it will take you.  That is why I love Senior Portraits, it's a amazing opportunity to showcase who these young men and women are.

Below are just a few of my favorite images from Ryan's shoot!!

dedo-11Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dedo-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dedo-44Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dedo-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dedo-25Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dedo-64Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

There are still times available for October, so make sure you book your 2017 Senior shoot today!!

For more information on my Portrait Sessions, and Package Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-ryan Wed, 28 Sep 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Gina https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2016-senior-gina Happy Tuesday!!

Just a few of my favorite images from Gina's 2016 Senior shoot on this beautiful day!!

maher-3Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maher-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maher-16Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maher-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com maher-23Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Fall Senior session today!!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2016-senior-gina Tue, 20 Sep 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Nick https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-nick Happy Wednesday!!

Just a few of my favorite images from Nick's backyard photo shoot!!

friedman-12Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com friedman-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-nick Wed, 14 Sep 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Marina https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-marina Happy Tuesday!!

Meet 2017 Senior Marina!!  Absolutely love this location at Squires Castle.

Just a few of my favorite images.....

kavouras-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kavouras-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kavouras-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kavouras-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com kavouras-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

Book your 2017 Senior Session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-marina Tue, 13 Sep 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Shannon https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-shannon Being an on location photographer, I have a few places that I love to shoot at.  Olmsted Falls is definitely one of them, and in the fall nothing compares to the beautiful color over there.  When you shoot on location, even though it might be the same location you have shot at, it's never quite the same, the time of day, whether it is overcast, full sun, how many people are there, so many factors go into it that it is always changing.  You also never know what you will see.  And we saw it all on Shannon's shoot!!  Snakes, (I am TERRIFIED of snakes) rain, bright sun, and more rain!!  Through it all we were able to get some amazing shots!!  Here are just a few of my favorites.

nenadal-39Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nenadal-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nenadal-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nenadal-55Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com nenadal-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

And Mr. Snake!!!

nenadal-32Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

2017 Seniors Book Your Fall Senior Shoot Now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/9/2017-senior-shannon Wed, 07 Sep 2016 18:00:00 GMT
2017 Senior~Samantha https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/2017-senior-samantha Happy Monday!!

Starting the week off with a peek at a few of my favorite images from Samantha's 2017 Senior shoot in beautiful Brecksville!!

salamon-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com salamon-52Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com salamon-41Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com salamon-54Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com salamon-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

The time to book your 2017 Senior photo shoot is NOW!!

Click here for more information on sessions and package collections.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/2017-senior-samantha Mon, 29 Aug 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Katie!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-katie Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Katie!!

I have had the honor of photographing this family for a few years, and the first thing you notice is their stunning blue eyes!!  Gorgeous!!

Love this location on Whiskey Island!! 

Just a few of my favorite images from Katie's shoot!! albert-8Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-19Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-26Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-38Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-44Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-54Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com albert-48Yonek Photographyww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your fall senior and family shoot today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-katie Wed, 24 Aug 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Erica!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-erica Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Erica!!

It's Back to School Time!!

The Class of 2017 are starting their last first day of school.  As you head back to class, and begin the countdown to graduation, I have just a few words of advise.

This year is going to fly by, faster than any other.  The year will be punctuated by deadlines.  Deadlines for ACT's, college applications, ordering caps and gowns, homecoming, prom, and graduation party planning.  Take time to enjoy every minute of this year.  You will never get it back.  Memories will be made that will last a lifetime.  Don't worry about the small stuff, and honestly that right there is a life lesson.  But it's true, next year when your away at college, or even if you stay close to home you will have to take on more responsibilities, and thank your mom for doing your laundry!!

I wish you all nothing but happiness this year, and beyond!!

snyder-1Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-18Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com snyder-49Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Book your Class of 2017 Senior Portraits Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-erica Tue, 23 Aug 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Mackenzie!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-mackenzie Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Mackenzie!!

I think one of my all time favorite kid movies has to be The Emperor's New Groove.  So when we chose this farm house location for Mackenzie's shoot I was so excited to meet a llama!!  (ok now imagine Izma saying that from the movie, because everytime I say llama that is how it sounds!!)

I had such a great time, and could not be more happy with how her session came out!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images...

fyock-29Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-36Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-10Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com fyock-46Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com


fyock-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

2017 Seniors!!

Click here for more information on Sessions and Package Information!!

Book your session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/8/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-mackenzie Mon, 08 Aug 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Josh https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-josh I have had the pleasure of photographing 5 of the 6 kids in this amazing family, and watching them grow into the young men and women they are becoming, and couldn't be more blessed for having met them all. 

Working with twins, and triplets, is so much fun, and this family was blessed with 2! sets of twins!!  When working with twins I always try and showcase each twins individual personality and these two were no exception.  Such a unique and cool location, and I got to photograph a giant dump truck.  Day complete right there!!  Thank you Josh!!

Just a few of my favorite images from Josh's shoot.

wolf_j-3www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_j-20www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_j-14www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_j-5www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_j-30www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

2017 Seniors!!!

Have you booked your senior portrait shoot yet??  Click here now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-josh Thu, 14 Jul 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Frankie https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-frankie Meet 2016 Senior Frankie!!

Frankie was such a blast to work with and so glad we chose this location for his shoot.  It is one of my favorites!!  So easy to work with, and he should be comfortable in front of the camera considering his budding acting career.  So proud of him and wish you nothing but the best of luck and can't wait to see you on the big screen!!

wolf_f-16www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_f-11www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_f-18www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_f-23www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_f-29www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wolf_f-31www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-frankie Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel~Kyla!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyla Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyla!!

Just a couple of years ago I had the pleasure of working with Kyla's older sister Cassidy as a Senior Spokesmodel, so this session was as much about catching up with the family as it was about Kyla's senior shoot!!  I had such a great time on her shoot in beautiful Olmsted Falls.  Here are just a few of my favorite images........

wagner-20www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wagner-12www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wagner-27www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

wagner-15www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wagner-30www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wagner-35www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wagner-33www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors


Click here for more information on sessions and pricing, and then click here to book your session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyla Tue, 12 Jul 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Naiya https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-naiya Happy Monday!!

Just a few of my favorite images from 2016 Senior Naiya!

patel-18www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors patel-36www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors patel-23www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors patel-46www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors patel-33www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors patel-55www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

Booking 2017 Seniors NOW!!  Click here for more information on Sessions and Package pricing.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/2016-senior-naiya Mon, 11 Jul 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Ali!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-ali Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Ali!!!

Had such a great time on Ali's 2017 Senior Spokesmodel shoot on both the West and East Bank of the Flats.  By accident we found this really cool wall, which I'm sad to say they painted over!!!  I'm hoping that they decide to paint some new Cleveland mural, ode to the city, or some fun bright colors in its place.  We rode the water taxi, and found the GIANT chalk wall!!

Below are just a few of my favorite's from her shoot.

mayer-22www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors mayer-29www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors mayer-5www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors mayer-3www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors mayer-25www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors mayer-42www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

For more information on session and package options click here.

Book your 2017 Senior session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/7/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-ali Thu, 07 Jul 2016 17:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Helena https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/2016-senior-helena Graduation season is in full swing, but I still have a few 2016 Seniors to highlight on the blog.

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Helena's 2016 Senior shoot in beautiful Brecksville.

manson-18www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors manson-28www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors manson-21www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors manson-6www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors manson-43www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

****2017 Seniors****

Your time is now!  Click here to book your Senior Portrait session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/2016-senior-helena Wed, 29 Jun 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel John!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-john Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel John!!

Just a few of my favorite images from John's shoot in beautiful Brecksville!!

heinzerling-10www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-4www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-25www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-19www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-28www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-35www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-36www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors heinzerling-50www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

For more information on booking your 2017 Senior Portrait shoot click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-john Tue, 28 Jun 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Lynsay!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-lynsay Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Lynsay!!

For Lynsay's shoot we went to West Creek and I have to say I am in LOVE with these images!!  And of course they include a hat!!  I have only had the opportunity to shoot at this location a handful of times but I am never disappointed.  I have been lucky enough to photograph both of Lynsay's older siblings Senior Portraits as well, and am so grateful for the job I do that I get to see my clients again, and again.

Here are just a few of my favorite images!!

wallace-7www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

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Makeup by the talented Makeup by Allie.

*****2017 SENIORS*****

For more information on Senior Portraits Sessions and Packages click here.

Book your 2017 Senior Session Today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-lynsay Mon, 27 Jun 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Reilly!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-reilly Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Reilly!!

Every year with my Spokesmodels I choose a theme, I look for new locations, whether that is new areas in old locations or altogether new, and I envision a few shots that I am looking for.  Needless to say the direction I give my Spokesmodels for their first shoot can be somewhat vague, but in my opinion makes their outfit choices that much better.  For Reilly's shoot we went to the East Bank of the Flats and were able to capture some absolutely stunning images, and found some new amazing backgrounds!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images!!

daniels-20www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors daniels-8www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography daniels-31www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography daniels-13www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors daniels-35www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors daniels-40www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors daniels-44www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

Have I ever mentioned how much I love HATS??????

Thank you for the amazing makeup by a former Spokesmodel herself, Allie for Makeup by Allie!!

*****2017 SENIORS*****

Book your 2017 Senior Portrait shoot today!!  Don't forget to ask Reilly how to get an amazing deal!!

Book your session today by clicking here.

Need more info??  Click here

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-reilly Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:00:00 GMT
Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyle! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyle Meet 2017 Senior Spokesmodel Kyle!!

Such a fun time on this photoshoot with Kyle in the Flats!!

Here are just a few of my favorite images......

wisniewski-14www.dyonekphoto.comwww.dyonekphoto.com Yonek Photography Seniors

wisniewski-3www.dyonekphoto.comwww.dyonekphoto.com Yonek Photography Seniors wisniewski-29www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wisniewski-23www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wisniewski-26www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wisniewski-35www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors wisniewski-48www.dyonekphoto.comYonek Photography Seniors

2017 SENIORS!!!!

The time to book your Senior Portrait Session is NOW!!

For more information on my Senior Sessions click here, and book your Session today by clicking here.


[email protected] (Yonek Photography) 2016 Cleveland Fall Ohio Photographer Photography Senior Seniors Yonek cleveland ohio senior photographer photography senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/6/meet-2017-senior-spokesmodel-kyle Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:30:00 GMT
Class of 2017 Sign up today!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/class-of-2017-sign-up-today I don't know about you, but I am absolutely LOVING this warm weather!!

I can NOT wait to get out and starting shooting again, and that means it's time for the Class of 2017 Senior Spokesmodels!!

Follow the link here to sign up for a Parent/Spokesmodel information and sign up meeting!!

I look forward to working with you!!

model call board mirandaYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/class-of-2017-sign-up-today Wed, 09 Mar 2016 18:15:00 GMT
2017 Senior Spokesmodels!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/2017-senior-spokesmodels Click here to Sign Up today for more information on becoming a 2017 Senior Spokesmodel!!

model call board emilyYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/2017-senior-spokesmodels Tue, 08 Mar 2016 18:30:00 GMT
Sign Up Today!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/sign-up-today Are you a member of the Class of 2017?

Are you interested in Exclusive Senior Sessions, Packages, and incentives?

If so, sign up today to become a Senior Spokesmodel for Yonek Photography!!

3 Parent/Spokesmodel Meeting and Sign Up dates available!!

Click here!!

model call board rachelYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/sign-up-today Mon, 07 Mar 2016 17:44:41 GMT
How does exclusive sound to you? https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/how-does-exclusive-sound-to-you Senior Spokesmodels enjoy Exclusive Sessions, products and benefits.   Does that sound like you?

Represent your Senior Class and Yonek Photography as a Spokesmodel!!

Click here to sign up for the Parent/Spokesmodel information night.

See you there!!

model call board heatherYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/how-does-exclusive-sound-to-you Thu, 03 Mar 2016 19:00:00 GMT
Call for Senior Spokesmodels!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/call-for-senior-spokesmodels Want to be the first in your Senior Class to have your Senior Portraits taken?

Do you want to look fabulous, have fun, and earn exclusive gifts?

Represent Yonek Photography as Senior Spokesmodel for the Class of 2017!!

Click here for more info and to sign up for the Parent/Spokesmodel information Night!!


model call board erinYonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/call-for-senior-spokesmodels Wed, 02 Mar 2016 19:30:00 GMT
Want to be a Class of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel? https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/want-to-be-a-class-of-2017-senior-spokesmodel Calling all members of the Senior Class of 2017!!

Yonek Photography Spokesmodels enjoy exclusive photography sessions, packages, and prizes.

Click here for more information and to sign up!!

model call board bobbyYonek PhotographyYonek Photography Senior Spokesmodel call

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/3/want-to-be-a-class-of-2017-senior-spokesmodel Tue, 01 Mar 2016 19:30:00 GMT
Call for 2017 Senior Spokesmodels!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/call-for-2017-senior-spokesmodels Are you a member of the Class of 2017?

Would you like to represent your Class as Senior Spokesmodel for Yonek Photography?

Click here for more information and to sign up!!

model call board benYonek PhotographyYonek Photography Senior Spokesmodel Model Call

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior model call senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel yonek photography senior spokesmodels https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/call-for-2017-senior-spokesmodels Mon, 29 Feb 2016 19:00:00 GMT
Your Love Story https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/your-love-story I honestly must say documenting a couples love story through portraits is SO much fun!!  And at times when I shoot a surprise proposal session I don't know who's more nervous me, or the future fiance getting ready to pop the question.  Seeing a couple that just radiate with happiness is just amazing and I have been truly honored and blessed to work with so many of these couples.

Whether you are newly engaged, ready for engagement photos, looking to pop the question, or planning a wedding.  Let me help you, and document your love story through timeless photos that will last a lifetime.

LoveStoryMarketingBoard-5x5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com



[email protected] (Yonek Photography) Cleveland Love Ohio Photographer engagement photography proposal story surprise wedding https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/your-love-story Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Kelly https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/2016-senior-kelly Happy Wednesday!!

A quick peek at a few of my favorite images from Kelly's 2016 Unique Senior Session!!

zagore-9Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com zagore-15Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com zagore-30Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com zagore-36Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com zagore-40Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com zagore-50Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Booking Spring Sessions Now!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/2016-senior-kelly Wed, 10 Feb 2016 20:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Alison https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/2016-senior-alison A quick look back at beautiful fall weather and Alison's 2016 Unique Senior shoot!!

korpowski-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com korpowski-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com korpowski-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com korpowski-47Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com korpowski-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com korpowski-58Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

2016 Seniors!!!

If you haven't booked your Senior Portraits yet, Spring sessions are being scheduled now!!  Click here!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/2/2016-senior-alison Tue, 09 Feb 2016 20:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Maddy https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/2016-senior-maddy I have a big announcement next week, and I am so excited!!  Can NOT wait to share with all of you!!

But, until then, here are a few of my favorite images from Maddy's 2016 Simple Senior Session in beautiful Olmsted Falls!!

dipierro-5Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-7Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-24Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-33Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-42Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com dipierro-51Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Now booking 2016 Senior Spring Sessions!!  Click here to book your session today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/2016-senior-maddy Wed, 20 Jan 2016 20:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Joey https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/2016-senior-joey Here are just a few of my favorite images from Joey's Simple Senior Session in beautiful Olmsted Falls.

piazza-6Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com piazza-37Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com piazza-23Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com piazza-13Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com piazza-48Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com piazza-32Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Still haven't had your 2016 Senior Session?  Click here to book your Spring Senior Sessions!!  Don't miss out!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/2016-senior-joey Tue, 19 Jan 2016 20:00:00 GMT
And Baby Makes 3....... https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/and-baby-makes-3 As the old saying goes......New House, New Baby!!

Congratulations to this Amazing Couple!!

It is the ultimate compliment to be able to photograph and document my clients again and again, so I was truly honored to be able to document and help announce the arrival of little Baby K and the added bonus of a new house!!

Can't wait to see what the future holds for these 2 (3)!!!

kocaja-2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

kocaja-20Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio family photographer fall family photographer family portraits yonek photography families https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/and-baby-makes-3 Tue, 12 Jan 2016 20:00:00 GMT
Family Session~The Drews Family https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/family-session-the-drews-family Family:  Where life begins and love never ends.

LOVE this family!!

drews-14Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio family photographer fall family portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2016/1/family-session-the-drews-family Mon, 11 Jan 2016 20:00:00 GMT
Day 6~12 Days of Christmas Sale!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-6-12-days-of-christmas-sale day 6day 6Yonek Photography

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-6-12-days-of-christmas-sale Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:24:21 GMT
Day 5~12 Days of Christmas Sale!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-5-12-days-of-christmas-sale $25 for a 1 hour Simple Senior Session!!

Perfect for all the Seniors looking for Spring photos!!

One Day Only!!

Don't wait!!

day 5day 5www.dyonekphoto.com

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-5-12-days-of-christmas-sale Sat, 05 Dec 2015 16:22:16 GMT
Day 3~12 Days of Christmas Sale! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-3-12-days-of-christmas-sale Day 3!!

A 5x7 image folio!!  Includes 2 5x7 images and a custom cover.  Perfect gift for Christmas!!

day 3day 3Yonek Photography

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-3-12-days-of-christmas-sale Thu, 03 Dec 2015 13:15:23 GMT
Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-2-of-the-12-days-of-christmas-sale Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale!!

One Day Only!!

day 2Yonek Photographywww.dyonekphoto.com

Email or Call today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-2-of-the-12-days-of-christmas-sale Wed, 02 Dec 2015 13:49:42 GMT
Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-1-of-the-12-days-of-christmas It's the 1st Day of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale!!

day 1Yonek Photography12 days of Christmas Sale

IMG_7329IMG_7329 IMG_7333Yonek Photography IMG_7338Yonek Photography

Includes 11 images and a slipcover.  These make great gifts for mom, dad and grandparents!!  Don't miss out order today!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) 12 days of Christmas Sale cleveland ohio senior photographer https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/12/day-1-of-the-12-days-of-christmas Tue, 01 Dec 2015 16:10:21 GMT
2016 Senior~Valerie https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-valerie I hope everyone survived their Thanksgiving food coma's, family visits, and Black Friday shopping!!  The official countdown to Christmas can now begin, although in my house we have been patiently impatiently counting down, and listening to Christmas music since November 1!

On this Happy Monday a little peek at slightly warmer days and Valerie's Unique Senior Shoot in beautiful Brecksville.

muldoon-8Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-26Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-15Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-32Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-69Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-53Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors muldoon-10Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

For more information on booking your 2016 Spring Senior Shoot click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits yonek photography seniors https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-valerie Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Ashley https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-ashley Happy Wednesday!!

On this Thanksgiving Eve a little peek at Ashley's Simple Senior Session!!

rega-12Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors rega-15Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors rega-35Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors rega-43Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors rega-48Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

For more information on booking your Spring 2016 Senior Session Click Here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) Yonek Photography Seniors cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-ashley Wed, 25 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Jimmy https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jimmy The Turkey Day Countdown is here!!  Yesterday was first snow, and I realized how much I am NOT ready for cold weather!!

Here is a look back and warmer days, and a few of my favorite images from Jimmy's Simple Senior Session.

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) 2016 Senior cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jimmy Mon, 23 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Eric https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-eric I can not even believe that Thanksgiving is next week!!  Time is literally flying by!!  It's also the time of year where I start to lament the fact that there are indeed only 24 hours in a day, and that still never seems like enough time to get everything done.

Seniors you are almost half through your Senior Year!!  Can you believe it??  Once you come back from your Christmas break, time is going to fly by and the next thing you know you will be standing there in your cap and gown.  The best piece of advice I could give you actually comes from my son during a speech he gave when he was signing his letter of intent and talking to his friends and teammates who had come out to support him.  "Enjoy every minute, the last 4 years have gone so fast."  Enjoy. Every. Minute.  These next few months you will never be able to get back, but you will remember them for a lifetime.

Here is just a quick peek at a few of my favorite images from Eric's Simple Senior session in downtown Cleveland.

Happy Thursday!!

piechowski-8Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits piechowski-39Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits piechowski-16Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits piechowski-14Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits piechowski-24Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits piechowski-44Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors, Senior Boy Portraits

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-eric Thu, 19 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Krista https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-krista Happy Wednesday!!

Last but not least of these 3 amazing sisters, here are a few of my favorite images from Krista's Senior shoot!!

roberts_k-14Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_k-18Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_k-21Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_k-39Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_k-40Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_k-45Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-krista Wed, 18 Nov 2015 18:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Jillian https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jillian What's better than one sister?  Two!!

Here is a quick peek at Jillian's Senior shoot with her sisters!!  So much fun with all of these girls, and a special Thank You Jillian, for being an amazing assistant during your shoot!!

roberts_j-25Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-12Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-20Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-1Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-35Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-38Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_j-43Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jillian Tue, 17 Nov 2015 18:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Morgan https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-morgan "If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."  ~Linda Sunshine

My own children constantly remind me of this saying, "Mom, you don't get it, you didn't have siblings."  They are right it has been something I've had to learn how to deal with.  I always enjoy watching their interactions, fights, and makeups, and most importantly their unending loyalty to each other.  Hurt one of them, and their are 2 others you will have to deal with.

A few weeks ago I had the honor to photograph Morgan, and her 2 sisters.  Triplets!!  It was so much fun!!  Thank you girls!!

Here are just a few of my favorites from Morgan's shoot, I can't wait to share the rest!!

roberts_m-15Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-20Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-4Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-22Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-42Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-29Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors roberts_m-8Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-morgan Mon, 16 Nov 2015 18:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Anna https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-anna Unfortunately with this week's gloomy rain and weather it seems all of the fall leaves may be gone.  But, until the snow comes there is still time to get your Senior Portraits done at my downtown location!!  Downtown Cleveland offers amazing backgrounds!!  Structure, bridges, the entire city!!  So many options!!  There is still time to book your fall session!

Looking back at fall weather and all the amazing light and color that comes with it is Anna's session in beautiful Brecksville!!  Stunning!!

Here are just a few of my favorites!!

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[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-anna Wed, 11 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Amanda https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-amanda Happy Monday!!

I found this little piece of wisdom, and I think it is totally fitting for today.

M-aybe this day is not

O-ne of your favorites, but

N-ever forget that every

D-ay you wake up is an

A-mazing gift and it's up to

Y-ou to make it count!!

And on this amazing Monday I am sharing a few of my favorite images from Amanda's Simple Senior session in beautiful Brecksville.

kent-6Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors kent-31Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors kent-12Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors kent-32Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors kent-36Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors kent-40Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

Now booking Spring Senior Session!!

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits senior spokesmodel https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-amanda Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Elise https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-elise I absolutely LOVE when my clients want to include props in their sessions.  Your Senior Year is such a pivotal time in your lives, and using props showcases who you are right now in your life.  Whether it be a hobby, the sports that you play, where you plan to go to college, or a beloved pet, using props enhances your Senior portrait session experience.

Here are a few of my favorite images from Elise's Simple Session, including images with her baby grand piano!!

leneghan-1Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors leneghan-7Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors leneghan-38Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors leneghan-27Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors leneghan-66Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors leneghan-67Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

For more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections please click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-elise Fri, 06 Nov 2015 19:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Jessica https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jessica Here are just a few images from Jessica's 2016 Unique Senior session in beautiful Olmsted Falls.

stepanik-11Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors stepanik-26Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors stepanik-15Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors stepanik-39Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors stepanik-45Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors stepanik-65Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) 2016 Senior Portraits cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-jessica Thu, 05 Nov 2015 19:00:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Emily https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-emily What is your favorite part of fall?  Mine?  The colors.  I love the bright yellows, reds, oranges.  The weather?  Now that can be a different story........

Here are a few of my favorite images from Emily's Unique Senior Session!!

sprunger-7Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-15Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-17Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-27Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-46Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-46Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-67Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors sprunger-72Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

For more information on 2016 Senior Sessions and Package Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-emily Wed, 04 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2016 Senior~Alyssa Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-alyssa-part-2 Fall color, wonderfully mild weather, equals a beautiful few days of indian summer.

3 times slots available tomorrow if you haven't booked your 2016 Fall Senior Session yet!!

Here is a quick look at a few of my favorite images from Part 2 of Alyssa's All Out Senior session!!  Those eyes!!  Stunning!!

gavin-63Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors gavin-87Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors gavin-105Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors gavin-80Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors gavin-71Yonek Photographysenior photography, Cleveland Ohio Senior Photographer, Fall Senior, 2016 Senior, Yonek Photography Seniors

Click here for more information on Senior Sessions and Package Collections.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/11/2016-senior-alyssa-part-2 Tue, 03 Nov 2015 18:30:00 GMT
2 Great Deals~1 Day Only!! https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/10/2-great-deals-1-day-only All Hallow's Eve!!

October 31

This Saturday!!

Your choice of 2 great deals!!

Fall color is out in all of it's glory, and it's the perfect time to get your Family Portrait or a Mini Senior Session!!

Families get a 30 minute Mini Session, 20 images to choose from PLUS 25 Christmas cards for $85.

Seniors!!  Get a 30 minute Mini Session in one outfit with 25 images to choose from.

Limited Time Slots are available so do not delay.  Click here to schedule online!!

christmas mini session saleYonek PhotographyFall Family Mini Sessions senior mini session saleYonek PhotographyFall Senior Mini Session

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) child portraits cleveland ohio family photographer cleveland ohio senior photographer fall family family portraits senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/10/2-great-deals-1-day-only Mon, 26 Oct 2015 14:57:37 GMT
2016 Senior~Jennifer https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/10/2016-senior-jennifer Happy Friday!!

Starting off this Friday with a few of my favorite images from Jennifer's Simple Senior Session in Olmsted Falls!!

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For more information on Senior Sessions and package Collections click here.

[email protected] (Yonek Photography) cleveland ohio senior photographer fall senior senior photography senior pictures senior portraits https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/10/2016-senior-jennifer Fri, 23 Oct 2015 16:13:15 GMT
2016 Senior~Sydney Part 2 https://www.dyonekphoto.com/blog/2015/10/2016-senior-sydney-part-2 Well it appears fall is here to stay.  While I love the all of the amazing fall colors, pumpkins, and Halloween, I am SO not ready for the cold!  The past few days have been freezing!!  And it seems it is here to stay.

So today let's look at Part 2 of Sydney's All Out Senior Session in beautiful downtown Cleveland, which was on a much warmer day!!