Senior~Emily B.

March 28, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

No one is you, and that is your Super Power.

Today's throw back post is about Emily, who is getting ready to finish her first year of College.  This portrait session in the Flats was on a beautiful Spring day, gives me hope that there will be more like this!  We had such a great time and were able to get some really amazing shots.  I hope that your first year has been as amazing as your are!

When I saw that quote, it made me think what great advise it is for High School Seniors.  No one is you.  That alone is a Super Power when you think of it.  There is no telling what you can do, and who you can become.  Someone may have similar backgrounds, same education, more education for that matter, better grades, worse grades, but they will never be you.  What you can and will bring to the table of life only you can.  And that it amazing.  So for all of you getting ready to graduate or who have already graduated, remember you do have a super power.

(stepping off soap box.....) 

That is my deep thought for the day!!

****2019 Seniors****

It's not too late to book your Senior Portraits!!  Spring is here, the sun has FINALLY come back to Ohio and it's time to get out there and make this happen!!

Click here to book your Senior Portrait Session Today!!


And now, back to Emily!!  Here are a few of my favs from her session.........


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