Class of 2019 Senior Model~Abigail

August 06, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I saw this quote today.  "Although time seems to fly by, it never travels faster than one day at a time.  Each day is a new opportunity to live life to the fullest." 

At first glance it is a totally awesome positive quote.  And then I realized it is already August, and the summer has completely flown by!!  Kids will be heading back to school in the next couple of weeks.  Which undoubtedly will bring back strict schedules and routines that go along with that.  I don't know about you, but I am SOOOOO not ready!!

It also means it's time to schedule your Class of 2019 Senior Portraits, because in just a few weeks all of you Class of 2019's will be starting your last first day of High School as a SENIOR!!

Meet Class of 2019 Senior Model Abigail!!

Back when Abigail signed up to be a Senior Model she told me she was into dance.  Of course my first question is always do you have a tutu?  I think in another life I was a ballerina, clearly.  Yes she did!!  Whenever I meet new clients and they give me ideas of what they would like to do, or certain props they would like to include, I always sort of envision the shot in my head.  Sometimes it doesn't quite work out, but other times oh yes it does, and in fact is WAY better than I could have imagined!!  That's exactly what happened at Abigail's shoot!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Check out just a few of my fav images from Abigail's 2019 Senior shoot!!  Oh, and also don't forget to mention her name when you book your 2019 Senior shoot!!


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I mean, just check these out!!!  LOVE!!!


For more info on Senior Portrait Sessions and Package Collections click here!!

Book your 2019 Senior session TODAY!!!


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