2018 Senior Model Part 3~Sarah

March 13, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I don't know about you, but Daylight Savings Time totally kicks my booty.  I mean it's one hour.  But literally feels like you lose half a day, and are waking up in the middle of the night.  Just when the sun has started to come out in the morning, we are shoved back into total darkness yet again.  Spring, I'm begging you.  PLEASE HURRY!!

Anyhoo, let's get back to the point.  Today's post is all about 2018 Senior Model Sarah!!

I always encourage all of my sessions to get a family portrait with their Senior Portrait Sessions.  Graduation comes around so fast, and once your Senior heads off to College, their schedules can get tricky, and getting all your kiddos back together for a family portrait can become a feat unto itself.  So needless to say I was so happy when Sarah and her family decided to include Sibling photos in her Senior Portrait Session.

Now, I am an only child, and as my own children remind me ALL the time, I don't understand the sibling relationship.  I admit it, I don't.  But, what I can do is appreciate it.  My observations of siblings, not only of my own children, but of friends and family, and my clients, is this.  They may pick on each other, be totally annoyed by each other, and at times not even seem to be able to stand one another but one thing is for sure.  They will always love each other, and hell hath no fury like siblings sticking up for each other.  I found this little saying that kinda sums that all up.

Siblings:  (n.)  a combination of a best friend and a pain in the neck.  They might be the most annoying people around you but you still love them endlessly.

Kinda sums it up.  Here are just a couple of my favs of Sarah and her brother, oh and a few of Sarah too.......


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