Class of 2019 Senior~Grace

February 08, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Happy Friday!!!

Well, today I am dreaming of warmer days.  Mother Nature has decided to remind us that yes, it is actually still winter, and it seems the best way to do that is with snow, wind and cold.  Yay Mother Nature!!  (insert sad face)

While communicating with my Seniors and their parents I always tell them that after they come back from Christmas break it is sort of a downward slide to Graduation.  Their are deadlines to be met, college applications, choosing a college, prom, and graduation planning.  It can come at you so fast.  So if you are a senior or a parent reading this, remember, take the time to enjoy it.  It can be stressful.  Sooooo stressful, but such a great experience.

Today on the blog is Class of 2019 Senior Grace!

Our first attempt at Grace's session just did not happen.  Grace had chosen Huntington Beach as her location, one of my favorite spots.  But it was so windy, with high wind warnings, and her long beautiful red hair flying every which way.  Our second attempt was perfect.  We were even able to get some adorable ducks in her shots.  Grace as you navigate your way through the end of your high school career and prepare for college I wish you nothing but the success and happiness!!

Here are a few of my favorite images from Grace's Huntington Beach shoot!!


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Ready to book your Spring Senior Portraits??  Click here!!


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